Whenever someone says that I live in Hotlanta, I roll my eyes despite the truth of it feeling like Hades every day when the summer season is here. I know. I’m being dramatic. In order to stay cool in the face of heat, I’ve made a quick list of summer must-have products that will do the job.

6 Summer Must-Have Products To Stay Cool 

1. An Awesome Water Bottle

No, not just any water bottle will do. When it comes to water bottles, I’m a stickler. In the summer, no one wants to drink warm water and this is especially true for me in the summer–I don’t care how bougie you are! These glass water bottles are the bees knees for a couple reasons. They legit keep your water cold for hours (I know, I’ve left my bottle in the car), they’re super easy to clean, and they are environmentally friendly. How pretty is this bottle?

2. Organic Sunscreen

Yes, black people burn. But more importantly, these sun rays are damaging to ALL of our skin and we need to make sure that we’re protecting it as much as we can. Sunscreen really should be worn all year round. I love this specific SPF because it’s natural and organic and all sorts of crunchy. Plus it comes in a stick form which makes it oddly easier to apply to the littles faces.

3. Detox Water

I’m not one of those people that finds it hard to drink water but there’s nothing like getting some flavor in with water that has a healthy benefit. My husband has legit ordered a case off Amazon to quench his thirst. Every.single.flavor is delicious.

4. Cool Hairstyles

Not in the “oh that’s so cool” way but in the “man I feel better because my head isn’t suffocating” way. These are very different things depending on your hair type. I have thick, huge curls that people think are just “wash n’go” curls–which they can be if I want to be melting in an hour. While I love my hair, the thickness makes it virtually impossible to for my scalp to breathe and I feel like death is slowly creeping up on me through my hair follicles. I have a couple of go-to styles that pull my hair off my face and help me to keep things as cool as possible.

5. Dope Accessories

Yes, these are a must-have. I pretty much always feel like a sweaty mess in the summer. I’m one of those people that sweat as soon as the temperature gets to like 78 or I start moving. One of the things I’ve done is up my glasses game with the help of GlassesShop.com. Look at how cute these floral specs are!!! The best part about it is as I sweat, my glasses don’t fall off my face because they have the rubber nose guards keeping them on my face. Even better? Once I fell in love with them online, I had them within a week! Florals aren’t just for the summer!

6. Sunglasses

Listen. I get migraines if I squint in the sun. I cannot deal! But these sunglasses from Sunglass Warehouse are not just cute–they block out all the sun so I don’t have to squint!

The heat is here guys. Let’s stay cool.

What are some of your summer must-have products?