A little over a year ago I decided to be super serious about this blogging thing and make it my full time job. Yes, job. I left corporate America to pursue this increasingly popular profession. But I wanted to because I want to make a difference in the world and this is just the start.

Last year, I had the opportunity to attend SoFabUOTR in Atlanta. It was a blast. I learned so many things and truly fell in love with the whole idea of blogging conferences. I left inspired, enriched and ready to take on the world as an amazing blogger. While I haven’t blown up just yet, I do attribute a lot of my success this past year to the conference along with some of my amazing mentors.

But if you’re a blogger or looking to become one, you need to attend conferences. Why, right? Here are my top 3 reasons why you should be there:

1. Hands-on Learning

Within the blogging community there is A LOT to learn and digest. Between the algorithms of every social network changing, learning how to succeed, and trying to figure out what works best for you, there’s a lot of information to be acquired. Instead of scouring the internet for all the answers, the conferences have the information that you need at your fingertips.

2. In-Person Networking

Yes, social networking is the wave of the now but honestly, nothing beats networking in-person. Getting to know companies and what they need and how you can provide it while making a lasting impression is really important. There are some things that are lost in translation via social networks and meeting face to face bridges that gap.

3. Meeting Other Bloggers

This may be my favorite thing. Other bloggers offer a wealth of knowledge and truly get what you’re going through. I am a firm believer that once you become a blogger, you need to have blogger friends. We’re the only ones who understand the thrill of a high profile person sharing your posts!

BlogLife University Conference

Atlanta, GA – July 21-23, 2016

Yes! You read that right! This month BlogLife University Conference will be here in Atlanta!!! And they’re here for my birthday weekend!!! So I’m telling you this for a reason–you should be here with me. They’ve put together a truly stellar conference that is already telling me that this will be a fruitful event. Check out the different sessions they’re offering:

Serious about blogging? Then you need to start attending conferences and here I tell you why. Live in Atlanta? There's a conference here this month!

And they’re speaker line up? Bananas… Don’t know who they are? Google them!

Serious about blogging? Then you need to start attending conferences and here I tell you why. Live in Atlanta? There's a conference here this month!

Register Today!

I even have a discount for you because who doesn’t love to save money. Click here to register and then enter code “BLU16” to get $100 off the ticket! Yes, I love you guys that much!

If you’re serious about blogging you need to meet me here!!! I hope to see you!

Serious about blogging? Then you need to start attending conferences and here I tell you why. Live in Atlanta? There's a conference here this month!