Baby wearing is an awesome tool for new mamas. Find out my reasons why that I share in this sponsored posting.
Baby wearing isn’t a new concept by any means, however, it’s becoming increasingly popular. Even though more people are finding out about the different methods of baby wearing, I still don’t think there are enough people out here that know just how baby wearing can make ALL the difference in your life as a new parent. Notice how I said parent because baby wearing is NOT just for moms!
3 Reasons You Need To Be Baby Wearing
1. Your Other Children Need To Be Tended To
I’m now a mom of three and my oldest two are all over the place, into everything. Would I love having a whole month off only focusing on the newest member of the family? Sure. Absolutely. But that’s not my reality nor is it the reality of most moms who have more than one child. You have another baby and the other kids are like, “Great. We have a new sibling. So where are we going today?” They don’t care about you wanting to rest and bond!
2. It Allows Bonding On The Go
Bonding is my favorite part of motherhood. Looking into their little eyes, smelling their heads, feeling their little bellies as you have skin-to-skin contact are all so important during the first days, weeks, and months of their lives. But even if I didn’t have my two older ones, I wouldn’t be able to just lay in the bed with my new baby bonding. Wearing your new baby allows you to take the bonding on the go and be more efficient about it. Yes, I just referred to bonding being efficient–I know ha!
3. It Helps You To Be You Again
After I’ve had each of my children I had brief freak out moments like, “OMG!!! Who am I now? How will I get anything done? How will I be me if I’m always having this baby around?” Yes, I do have moments where I think these things because I’m a normal mom who still wants to be Aaronica. I’ve found the best way for me to remember that I’m still a person outside of being a mom is to get back to doing the things that I love doing and allow me to be me. Now I put BC into my Ergobaby™ Omni 360 so that I can paint my nails, put together patterns, sew, and type this here post. The great thing about the Ergobaby™ Omni 360 is I’ve been able to use it since BC was a week old and I haven’t had to hold back on my activities because I have a newborn.
The Download On the Ergobaby™ Omni 360
Ergobaby is one of the leading brands when it comes to baby wearing. In August 2017, they released the Ergobaby™ Omni 360 that is the most versatile carrier that Ergobaby has to offer. It allows you to carry both front and rear facing up to 33lbs (that’s a lot of baby!) while holding the baby in the healthiest way possible for their hips. My favorite things are that there’s a nifty pocket to hold things like your phone (super important), keys and/or wallet while providing lumbar support. It’s also really easy to adjust so that your partner can wear baby easily as well.
So tell me, are you an avid baby wearing parent? What’s your favorite carrier?
Have questions about baby wearing? Drop them below!
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Ergobaby™ Omni 360.