Most days I love living in Georgia. I love how you can escape the madness that is “Hotlanta” and find yourself in a totally different world but not completely out of touch with the six lanes of bumper to bumper traffic. One of the places I love most is Sweetwater Creek State Park.

Ready? Set? Hike! You would never think that this beautiful state park is just outside the city of Atlanta. Visit Sweetwater Creek State Park today!

Sweetwater Creek State Park

This week we had a homeschool field trip to learn to fish. After fishing wrapped up, my friend Ashley from Mommy Week suggested taking a walk to the ruins. The trails all start at the Visitors Center, which also has a museum, so we checked that out first.

Ready? Set? Hike! You would never think that this beautiful state park is just outside the city of Atlanta. Visit Sweetwater Creek State Park today!

Visitors Center

Although quaint in size, the museum was chock full of info. It had remnants from the Civil War, Native Americans, slavery, and more. There was a classroom that contained snakes found in the area and turtles to be seen up close and personal. One of my favorite things to see was the old loon used to make fabric. Ready? Set? Hike! You would never think that this beautiful state park is just outside the city of Atlanta. Visit Sweetwater Creek State Park today!

The Red Trail

The kids all equipped themselves with maps to guide us to the ruins that we wanted to check out. The trail is pretty easy to walk–I did it with BC strapped to me in my Tula carrier. Ready? Set? Hike! You would never think that this beautiful state park is just outside the city of Atlanta. Visit Sweetwater Creek State Park today!I loved how there weren’t swarms of flies ready to attack me and then baby. The scenery was beautiful as the trail is along the waterside with huge rocks sprinkled about. Ready? Set? Hike! You would never think that this beautiful state park is just outside the city of Atlanta. Visit Sweetwater Creek State Park today!

The Ruins

Omg they were beautiful!!! You couldn’t get to close (safety first) but just being able to see them up against the perfect backdrop of the sky and bubbling waters was breathtaking. The baby and I sat on the stairs and enjoyed the view while the kids walked around exploring. Ready? Set? Hike! You would never think that this beautiful state park is just outside the city of Atlanta. Visit Sweetwater Creek State Park today!Although I was suuuuper sore after finishing the walk I’m so happy I was able to make these memories with the kids.

Do you go on mini adventures where you live?