As previously stated, we love pancakes. Like really love them. I think I love pancakes so much because of

1. Cracker Barrel–they are truly divine and perfection. Whenever I bite into one, I taste a small bite of heaven. That’s either because they taste so good or because they’re so unhealthy I’m one bite closer to my death.

2. My dad–whenever it was his turn to cook at home, it was always breakfast for dinner and I LOOOOOOOVED my dad’s banana pancakes.

Since I’m not itching to knock on the pearly gates any sooner than I’m supposed to, I’ve been working on healthier versions of pancakes. These were deliciously received and no one even needed syrup!

Yield: approx 4 servings


1 medium sweet potato

1 cup plain instant oatmeal

Cinnamon (to taste)

Brown sugar

Almond milk

2 eggs

  1. Peel and dice the sweet potato. Put into a pot with enough water to cover the potatoes entirely and boil for 15 minutes. Remove from stove and let cool once done.
  2. Put oatmeal into blender and blend until it becomes a powder.
  3. Add eggs, about 1-2tbsp brown sugar, and cinnamon to blender and blend.
  4. Pour in almond milk (I use Sweetened Vanilla) a little at a time until you reach a smooth, not too thin, not too thick consistency.
  5. Once the sweet potatoes have cooled, add them to the blender and mix. You made need to add more almond milk at this point to get it to desired texture.
  6. Using the pancake maker, make your pancakes.
  7. Enjoy!!!

I hope you and your family enjoy the recipe as much as we do!