My youngest son was busy, adventurous, and very blunt. He kept me on my toes since he learned toĀ walk. As he started to get older I saw him become sweeter but have moments when he would go into aĀ tantrum that lasted for a long time. People would tell me ā€œOh he will grow out of itā€, ā€œOh heā€™s just beingĀ a boyā€. As a parent it was extremely frustrating. But something else was wrong and it couldn’t be self diagnosed.

When you become a mom, people expect you to be all knowing and seeing but we aren't. But sometimes we hesitate in getting a proper diagnosis because of the stigmas surrounding them. Here's one mama's story as she learned about an issue that one of her sons had.

Something Was Wrong

Eventually he went to Pre-K and I would get messagesĀ saying that he was misbehaving and refusing to calm himself. As a fellow teacher I understood theĀ situation of having an inconsolable/misbehaving child in the class but as a parent I didnā€™t know what toĀ do.

My husband and I did sticker charts, we did positive reinforcement, and we did time out. BeingĀ without an answer I sought advice from others who said, ā€œhe just needs a spankā€. ā€œI donā€™t want to spankĀ himā€, I thought to myself. I was determined to find out what was triggering this behavior.

Iā€™m a teacher IĀ should be able to find out what is going on with my son. Iā€™m able to deal with all types of behavior fromĀ other children, why canā€™t I deal with my childā€™s behavior. These are the things I said to myself. On theĀ day that changed my relationship with my son, he uttered the words that struck my heart. He said,Ā ā€œMommy I canā€™t talk rightā€.

For the first time I understood my son and decided that I was going to helpĀ my baby.

When you become a mom, people expect you to be all knowing and seeing but we aren't. But sometimes we hesitate in getting a proper diagnosis because of the stigmas surrounding them. Here's one mama's story as she learned about an issue that one of her sons had.

A Diagnosis

I got him evaluated and it was determined that his speech was 50% unintelligible. When thatĀ woman told me that, I felt like the worst.mother.ever.

How could I be a teacher and not know that myĀ son had a speech problem? I felt like I was so busy teaching other peopleā€™s children that I forgot aboutĀ mine at home. She told me that his speech delay was affecting his behavior because he is frustratedĀ when he canā€™t communicate. I told her that I was a teacher of young children and I never noticed hisĀ speech delay. She responded by saying that it was the reason why I didnā€™t notice. I was accustomed toĀ talking to and understanding undeveloped speech.

When you become a mom, people expect you to be all knowing and seeing but we aren't. But sometimes we hesitate in getting a proper diagnosis because of the stigmas surrounding them. Here's one mama's story as she learned about an issue that one of her sons had.

A Resolution

My youngest had an IEP written up and has begunĀ taking speech class and he is a different child. His teachers and I talked and they accommodate him andĀ help him through with communicating. I was so glad that he had amazing teachers who I also consideredĀ my friends. My husband and I have more patience with him and it feels so good to know our son. It isĀ definitely a long road but Iā€™m going to be there to help him through.

So now having my own child with aĀ ā€œspecial needā€ makes me a patient mom and better teacher. Balance was the key. So my advice wouldĀ be understanding that kids behave a way for a reason. Never feel ashamed to get professional help ifĀ you donā€™t have the answers for your childā€™s behavior. Also being a teacher and a mom doesnā€™t meanĀ some things wonā€™t slip by you.