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Cookies… Cake… Cupcakes… Donuts… Ok. You get where I’m going with this. Most days I’m non-stop daydreaming about whatever sweet treat that my stress levels have currently triggered. Whenever stress hits, I crave sugars and sweets like they’re good for me. As a relatively still new mom of two girls, stress is an everyday thing. I’m battling with getting back to my pre-baby self so the previously listed bits of deliciousness are the very opposite of what I need. Which is why I’m so glad to have discovered the goodnessknows® snack squares.

in store


When I was pregnant and then nursing abc, I literally became a cookie monster. I even have a Pinterest board specifically designed to cater to my cookie addiction. My “vegging out” sessions contained not 1 vegetable and plenty of cookies–by plenty I mean the entire package. My husband and I would say that those calories didn’t count because I was nursing. On average, a nursing mom burns an extra 750-1000 calories per day–my cookies in calories right? In my head, I knew that it wasn’t good for me. But in my taste buds? Well, they were weak. As I’m trying to not only set good habits for my kids and myself, I know that this begins with what I put in my body.


Luckily, I’ve kicked my cookie addiction but I still crave the sweets. Learning to control my cravings has been a work in progress. I don’t believe in not having any sweets. Once I tell myself that I won’t cheat EVER, I immediately start craving cookies, cakes, ice cream, etc. and I give in. I want to be successful as I embrace a healthy lifestyle. During a recent trip to Walmart to re-up on healthy snacks for my family and I, there was a demo being conducted with goodnessknows® snack squares. While in the store, I tasted the goodnessknows® snack squares Cranberry, Almond, Dark Chocolate. It was a bite of heaven. The sweet but tart cranberries mixing with the slightly bitter bite of dark chocolate hit all the important zones on my taste buds. The texture is a mixture of creamy, crunchy and chewy satisfying all my needs. I was hooked at first bite!


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The goodnessknows® snack squares come in the following flavors:

  • goodnessknows® Cranberry, Almond, Dark Chocolate
  • goodnessknows® Apple, Almond & Peanut, Dark Chocolate
  • goodnessknows® Peach & Cherry, Almond, Dark Chocolate


My favorite flavor is the Peach & Cherry, Almond, Dark Chocolate snack squares. I love how the combination that the sweetness and cherries have with the bitterness of the chocolate–it’s a perfect mix to me. Because the goodnessknows® snack squares are made with quality ingredients, it makes it easy to give yourself a much needed break to enjoy life which we all need given the hectic lives we live. In a world where we’re constantly being fed easy access to foods that are bad for us, these snack squares are taking between meal treats from goodness to greatness one square at a time.

Be sure to check out more great ways goodnessknows® helps achieve goodness to greatness on our social hub. I’d love to hear about your favorite goodnessknows® snack square flavor!