TGIF!!! Yay! We’ve made it another week! *hits my dougie*

Let’s jump right into it. Most of us don’t just have the time or freedom to just workout whenever we feel like it. I know some people look at me as if I have all the time in the world since leaving the corporate world but the opposite couldn’t be more true. Whereas before I was busy trying to keep up with what was going on with the kids, the hubs, me, and trying to build a business, now I’m in constant “empire building” mode. Always.

In order to keep up with the many balls that are spinning, I’ve been using myĀ Erin Condren Planner. Just like I plan the hours I’m working, what I’m working on, abc’s naps, errands I need to run, dinners, etc., I also plan in my workouts. I’ve recently decided that for my goals, I need to be hitting cardio as much as I possibly can. In my head, I can do cardio pretty much anywhere and I’m paying for a gym membership sooooooo I have decided to take the classes. My gym offers the most awesome classes–as they should since i pay a pretty penny.

My Erin Condren planner filled out with all my plans

My Erin Condren planner filled out with all my plans

One of the things that can be a monkey wrench in my plans is the infant reservations at the gym. Pre-planning my week of workouts makes it so I can make the proper reservations and my workouts can happen.

It’s Friday and I can say that I’ve made it to all my classes–even the one I was late for courtesy of a nap that took over my entire afternoon lol!

Also, I posted this picture on my FB group and IG:

weight loss tracker

my weight loss tracker

There were a couple of people that were interested in sharing there’s and possibly doing check-ins. I’m all for accountability! If you would like to share with me and don’t mind sharing with others who read here, feel free to send me a picture of your weight loss tracker. I’ll post it here so that we can celebrate your success and hear about what’s working for you!

Again, Happy Friday and don’t forget to plan for your weight loss success!

**If you haven’t entered the giveaway, there’s still time! Click here to enter today!**