So, my old slacks fit me again.  Can we just have a moment of silence for this major accomplishment?  These weren’t even normal slacks. They were the ones with the zipper on the side and they actually slid all the way over my hips.  I did the most uncoordinated happy dance in the mirror and it felt great to make some major progress. The common question is how I lost weight. I didn’t starve myself or purchase any frivolous products that promote weight loss.  It all started with a major change in my mindset first and putting in the work for myself and no one else.

As we get older, weight loss gets harder and harder. But it's totally doable as is evidenced by the pants that now slide over my hips with ease. Want to know how I lost weight? Read on.

Learning To Accept

Over the years, I struggled with accepting my body for what it was and what it was slowly becoming.  Between health issues, child birth, and the scrapes and scars that reveal my life’s story, it became overwhelmingly difficult to fall in love with my personal beauty.  I didn’t have the confidence to boldly proclaim that I accepted who I was inside and out.

I struggled to maintain a healthy lifestyle for myself.  As a result, I lost several pounds to the point of looking and feeling very sick.  I also gained several pounds while emotional eating through bouts of depression and stress.  I was a complete mess. For years I watched other people’s health journeys while not even making my own conscious decisions.  I spent so much time scrolling timelines wishing I could wear someone else’s shoes that I didn’t even know my own size.

Changing My Mindset

Drinking flat tummy tea or wrapping my stomach up for 45 minutes just didn’t seem realistic to me.  I eventually learned that I had to do what was best for me and I mean that in every way. My decisions didn’t have to be difficult or conflicting, but just true to who I was as a person.

How I Lost Weight

I changed my way of thinking and became more intentional about the way I live my life.  I’m now to the point that my only goal is to just be healthy. That’s it. No matter what it may look like to others, that’s my goal and I’m sticking to it. So, I pace myself and do what I can when I can for Me…no one else.

I listen to my body. I don’t over exude myself past my limits. I don’t confine my beauty or self-worth to a scale or the latest weight loss trends.  I do what is best for Erin and I’ve found this way to be most effective. I love who I’ve become from every angle and that to me is the healthiest place I could be in.

Have you won the battle with weight-loss? What tips do you have?