I’m still in my first year with this blog and getting in my groove with the business aspect of it. There’s quite a few things that I didn’t know about blogging as a business that I wish I did (my series to come next month) and one of the things I underestimated was the impact of social networking.

Here’s the thing, when it comes to social networking personally, I may be a bit of a junkie. I tweet, Instagram, send FB updates, get caught up for hours on Pinterest… I love it. But here’s the thing, when you’re building up a social network for business, things are different. There’s an art, a science, a methodology to the thing for greater chances of success. In all honesty, I thought that I could manage doing it all by myself PLUS writing PLUS pitching PLUS running my store PLUS everything else. And I can do it, but not if I expect to sleep.

So I signed up for Coschedule.

What IS CoSchedule?

It’s an all-in-one marketing calendar that works seamlessly with your site and social networks. Not only does it make it easy to schedule posts, it also works to track the success of whatever post you’ve created (tweet, FB update, Pin, etc). If you use WordPress, this is definitely what you want since there’s a plugin giving you direct access to everything you need from the dashboard. I have another calendar plug-in and it just does not cut it.

My Favorite Features:

CoSchedule has been one of the most useful tools in the business of blogging to date. It's recent partnership with Pinterest has really increased the capital. I love it and here's why: www.aaronicabcole.com

Getting Started

I think that CoSchedule thought of everything. Set-up and log-in took me about 5 minutes from start to finish. It was easy as pie (assuming you’re good at baking) to get things running and have my dashboard look like this:

When you get started, they set up some things for you to do that will get you acclimated with the program. And they have a tutorial video that makes things even easier to get set-up. Check out this video here that speaks to everything you can do:

CoSchedule In Use

I love it and I didn’t think that I would. I’ve signed up for so many other resources that are supposed to help streamline the business of blogging and social networking. They’re nice. They work. But I’m a blogger, an influencer and this site is my baby, my bread and butter, my legacy. My goal is to help and positively influence as many people as I possibly can and in the two weeks that I’ve been using CoSchedule, it’s made a vast difference in how I do things.

As I finish writing my posts, I’m able to schedule my posts on the following:

  • Twitter
  • Facebook (Personal)
  • Facebook (Fan Page)
  • Linked In
  • Pinterest
  • Tumblr

Not only am I able to schedule them for the day that I post, but I can schedule them for the next day, week, month, and whatever custom date I’ve decided to use. Game. Changer.

**New Feature** Pinterest

I was really excited about this. Pinterest has been one of the networks that I’ve been working on figuring out. When you schedule your post on Pinterest, you can choose multiple boards at a time–so big to me!

How Did Your Post Do?

Stats are something that I’m in love with. From a marketing standpoint, these are the form of measurement that makes sense of dollars for them and confirm or deny your strategy. (Need help with your social strategy? Check out this post by CoSchedule) Look at this nifty report they put together showing you just the impact that your posts are having:

Very cool right?

If you’re interested in seeing what CoSchedule can do, sign up for your free 14-day here.

Do you use a scheduling program? Have you considered CoSchedule?