Let’s be real here, I’m a planner and organization junkie. Anything that makes my life easier and less chaotic is something that I’m here for–especially as it pertains to back to school. I’ve been pretty honest about my struggles through kindergarten last year and I’m determined to make my planner addiction a strength for first grade.

And you know what? Target has my back.

I snagged some of these babies a couple of weeks ago to help me organize my office. Not only do I just hate having clutter on my desk, I really can’t afford the space so an easy hanging solution was something that I was 100% here for. I used push pins to hang these and we were up and ready to go in 5 min.

Make this school year a success by creating a command center that will make organization seamless and pretty all for under $20!

After I went school shopping for mini, I knew that I would need something to help me keep it together. Being a #mamamogul + matriarch of the family + chef + chauffer + everything = my mind in a tizzy. I’m a visual person so I need to keep the important things in a place that I would see them. So after talking to mini, we decided that the best place for the command center would be right by the front door. It’s where she essentially comes in and dumps her stuff so that works.

Make this school year a success by creating a command center that will make organization seamless and pretty all for under $20!

Essentials For the Command Center

I knew I needed a calendar, place to take notes, place to sign things, and a place to stick reminders and other papers. Target’s Dollar Section had all of these things that I needed so it made it super easy:

Chalkboard – $3
Cork Board – $3
White Board Calendar – $3
Clipboard – $3
File Folders – $1
File Folder Holder – $2 (from Walmart)

Make this school year a success by creating a command center that will make organization seamless and pretty all for under $20!

**Note: These links are NOT the ones that I bought specifically BUT they are similar to what I did buy and will make a good substitute if you can’t find the ones I got.

Putting It All Together

Again, I’m lazy so I used push pins to put this all together. It was pretty easy and only took about 10 min but I’m loving how it looks! I used some yarn that I had around to tie chalk markers, dry erase markers and my pen so they hang near where they’ll be used. I’m excited to see how this will help keep our year organized!
Make this school year a success by creating a command center that will make organization seamless and pretty all for under $20!

How do you plan on staying organized this year?