Just when you thought things were getting easier as your baby was finally ready to get off the boob or bottle, they get more complicated. Every brand has three thousand and one that say they’re the best. While they all might be pretty awesome, as moms who don’t own stock in all these companies, we need the best sippy cups that are the most cost-efficient.

What To Look For

No Detachable Flow ControlĀ Piece

I don’t even know if this is the right term but it’s a silicone thing that makes it so all the liquid doesn’t come flowing out making a huge mess on your baby. So these are really functional and do a great job but they can get lost and it’s a tiny piece that has to be cleaned. Moment of truth: None of my sippy cups that have these are being used AND I don’t have any clue as of where those attachments are.

Easy To Clean

Have you ever seen those posts about how a mom somehow missed cleaning the underside of a sippy cup and it’s now overgrown with mold and they’re confused. Don’t let this be you. Seriously. Make sure that your sippy cup isn’t complicated with all these flips and such making it more difficult to clean.

After bottles, it's time to give your babe sippy cups but these babies aren't all made equally. Check out which 5 made the cut and why.

5 Best Sippy Cups On The Market

1. NUK Sippy Cups

These are all pretty awesome honestly. Easy to clean, don’t cost an arm and a leg, and don’t have that valve.

2. Nuby Super Easy Grip Cup

3. Munchkin Miracle 360 Cup

This is one of abc’s all-time favorites.

4. Munchkin Click Lock Bite Proof Sippy Cup

5. First Years Take & Toss Spill-Proof Cups

These are under $3 and I love them. Easy to clean, cheap, and if you lose or mess them up, it’s not a big loss.

**Pro-Tip: Try to wash out the cups immediately. Once some juice or milk is left in there, it’s super gross!

You’ll probably notice that I haven’t included anything with straws here. Straws can be a hassle to keep clean and keep track of.

What’s your favorite sippy cup? Did I miss anything?