When Iļø was a little girl, my mom really drilled into me the importance of having a great skincare routine. My favorite part of the routine was our weekly masks. We used the old school Queen Helene Mint Julep Mask but Iā€™ve since upgraded to these nifty paper masks.

Paper masks are seriously bae. Iā€™ve loved (and seen a difference) with every one Iā€™ve tried. And itā€™s not just me. Paper masks are totally a thing that you need to be trying and hereā€™s why:

10 Reasons You Need Paper Masks In Your Life

1. They have so many different kinds.

Have oily skin? Thereā€™s one for you. Fighting wrinkles? Here ya go! Adult acne plaguing you? This is for you. Itā€™s like a candy aisle for adults.

2. You donā€™t have to commit.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I loved my Queen Helene mask but I always felt wasteful if I wanted to use something else before it was finished. With paper masks, itā€™s one and done. Itā€™s that perfect one-might stand you can call again if you want to.

3. Theyā€™re super cute.

Ok, not all of them but I have one that makes me look like a panda!!!

4. Theyā€™re ā€œon trendā€–if thatā€™s important to you.

Paper masks are bae. Seriously. These things are the Pringles of skin care in how addictive they are and rightfully so for these 10 reasons.

5. Ipsy sends them with their bags.

This is how Iā€™ve build such a stash. Ipsy has me hooked hard.

6. They sell them everywhere.

I was at the beauty supply shop today and at the check out there they were feeding my addiction! Theyā€™re at Target, Walmart, Amazon.com, EVERYWHERE!!!

7. If you follow the directions they give you quality ā€œmeā€ time.

I love how most of the directions basically tell you to just sit for the 15-30 minutes that youā€™re wearing it. This is hard but as a mom with so many roles, more than my face feels refreshed once the mask comes off.

8. They really work.

Every single one that Iā€™ve tried has left my skin more improved. My favorite so far is the Gold Mask. I swear I was glowy for weeks after I used this one!

9. You can scare your kids for fun.

Thereā€™s nothing like your toddler screaming ā€œMommy you look scary!!!ā€ It also teaches them to give you some space ha!

Paper masks are bae. Seriously. These things are the Pringles of skin care in how addictive they are and rightfully so for these 10 reasons.

10. Theyā€™re addictive.

Once you try one you canā€™t stop. Paper masks are literally the Pringles of skin care!

Have you tried Paper Masks? Whatā€™d you think?

Paper masks are bae. Seriously. These things are the Pringles of skin care in how addictive they are and rightfully so for these 10 reasons.