Going from a mom of 1 to a mom of 2 was a hard transition. Like really, really hard. As in I would sit at the table crying and scared as I tried to figure out what being an imperfect mom of two was supposed to do with these kids when my mom seemed to handle the job perfectly. I’ve been doing it now for 2 years and I’m still trying to figure out how my mom just handled my brother and I seemingly stressless.

There are many days that I still sit in amazement that there are TWO of them. Two people that I made that are walking, talking, fighting, playing, biting, laughing. And it makes me think back to my own sibling.

The Joy of Being A Sibling

As a little sister, I’ve always looked up to my older brother in awe and amazement. He’s the single most brilliant person I know. He’s funny, charming, handsome and just has a way about him that attracts people. And talk about smart. It may have taken him 8 years to get through college but he made it through and has since mastered multiple languages ranging from Cold Fusion (before anyone else knew it) to Portuguese. Can you tell I’m a proud little sister?

But boy did we rag on each other growing up. In fact, at my wedding he shared a secret of how he ended up in the hospital needing stitches after some sibling play time went wrong. He could tell by the look in my eyes that the idea of me hurting him hurt me than it actually hurt him so we kept the secret from our parents. Well, until myĀ wedding.

Having a brother growing up was tons of fun and raising siblings is way better than I could have imagined--even if they are sour patch kids ha!

My big brother and I. My best friend growing up.

In fact, to this day, my brother is still the person that REALLY gets me and what I need no matter what situation I’m in. He’s never been a mother but gives me the best advice for my role as such. He’s never been a wife or a woman or had to deal with all that entails yet if I call him right now he will be able to advise me in the only way that make sense for me.

But that’s what being a sibling is. They know you in a way that no others can.

Having a brother growing up was tons of fun and raising siblings is way better than I could have imagined--even if they are sour patch kids ha!

The Joy of Raising Siblings

My girls are a handful but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I was watching them the other morning getting ready for school. Mini was so gentle with her sister and made sure that she made her a bowl of cereal and got her situated before serving herself. I’m not sure what touched me more: mini’s sense that I needed her help or her tenderness with her sister. I watch how abc looks to mini and does whatever she does and I immediately fall into a rabbit hole of memories with my own brother.

Having a brother growing up was tons of fun and raising siblings is way better than I could have imagined--even if they are sour patch kids ha!

Those moments are so beautiful. They even erase every other time that one is pulling the other’s hair or screaming at each other or hitting. Yes, all that goes down between these two–they can be as rough as they are sweet. But even at that, there’s a tenderness. Mini can make abc cry and feel immediately terrible about it and will console her. And don’t let me make abc cry–big sister mode is in full swing.

Having a brother growing up was tons of fun and raising siblings is way better than I could have imagined--even if they are sour patch kids ha!

Raising these two is tough but so beautiful. I love seeing their compassion grow. I love seeing them be protective of one another. I love hearing their giggles at private jokes or seeing them dance when “their” favorite songs come on.

Having a brother growing up was tons of fun and raising siblings is way better than I could have imagined--even if they are sour patch kids ha!

Photo Credit: This Original Life

Being a mom has always been a dream of mom but mothering siblings is truly beautiful.

Do you have a sibling? Were you rivals or besties or both?