This is a sponsored post on behalf of KidzType. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

Many things have changed since I was in school. For starters, we only got on the computer to play Oregon Trail, all of my papers were written in cursive, and having neat handwriting was more important than learning to type. Now? Well, Mini has an email account–need I say more? I’ve also learned that teaching kids to type is way more fun than working on handwriting!

Handwriting Is Still A Thing

While working on handwriting isn’t as fun, it’s totally still a thing. One thing I love about homeschooling is that we can add (and subtract) different pieces of education that we see fit. We work on both print and cursive at our house. And while cursive looks pretty and jazzy, Mini has learned quickly that it’s challenging! Still, it’s included in our lesson plans because there’s a benefit to it.

Teaching kids to type used to involve old school typewriters, papers taped over fingers and boring classes. Now with the help of KidzType it's fun! Find out more here.

Tools To Teaching Kids To Type

I went to Catholic school growing up and learned the proper way to type when I was in the 11th grade. Thank you Maria Regina for giving me these life skills that are still in tact as I type this without looking at my hands. We learned how to type on trusty typewriter–I laughed at these but man, would I love one now! It was anything but fun though.

Teaching kids to type used to involve old school typewriters, papers taped over fingers and boring classes. Now with the help of KidzType it's fun! Find out more here.

Now? Mini started learning to type when she was 7. While she hasn’t mastered it, she’s doing really well and I think a lot of it has to do with that it’s fun for her. I wish I could say that I had something to do with this but in truth, I didn’t have much to do with it! I never sat her down and went over hand placement or the rows or any of that jazz. #LazyTeacher

I let her teach herself with KidzType.

KidzType Taught My Kid To Type

I love KidzType for a lot of reasons but here are my top 3:

  1. They teach through play. This is how kids learn and I love how they really reinforce they learning with games
  2. There’s legit lessons. Yes, they play games but the games reinforce the learning that they’ve done through the lessons. 
  3. It’s easy to navigate. There’s nothing better than being able to simply tell your child what they need to get done while you’re working with another child. The site is so easy to navigate that I’m able to verbally direct her to her lessons instead of stopping what I’m doing and having to show her. 
Teaching kids to type used to involve old school typewriters, papers taped over fingers and boring classes. Now with the help of KidzType it's fun! Find out more here.

KidzType even has a sister site to test their knowledge called TypeDojo. On this site, they (or you, no judgment!) can earn certificates based on your speed! Both my kids and are pretty competitive so we love this feature. It’s nice to show growth that practice has done! 

I will say that I do wish there was more diversity in the images on the site. They have little boys and girls but no people of color that we’ve run into yet.

Oh, and I mention this was FREE??? So, friends, go forth and brush up on your own typing skills whilst teaching your littles! How many words per minute can you type?

Teaching kids to type used to involve old school typewriters, papers taped over fingers and boring classes. Now with the help of KidzType it's fun! Find out more here.

Learn Touch Typing With KidzType