Hey guys, Kai here from Generation Kai with some healthy tips for this Halloween season. Although Halloween is not my favorite holiday, (I personally like Christmas the best) I do enjoy putting on a Halloween costume and going around the neighborhood with my friends. I am really into skateboarding right now so I decided to go as Bart Simpson and skate around my neighborhood collecting my goodies. My Momā€™s being the doctor and holistic nutritionist that they are, make Halloween fun for us but also educational.

Healthy Halloween Tips:

Have a Plan ā€“ my sisters and I know before even heading out the door that on Halloween night we are allowed to pick 5 candies to eat before the night is over. When we get home, our most favorite project is to sort the candy we collected and trade with each other for our favorites. Then we get to pick our 5 favorites and dig in. We also pick 14 more candies, one for each day for the next two weeks. The rest of the candies get put into a big bag and hidden away for safe keeping. We use most of that candy at Christmas time to decorate our gingerbread houses. There have been years where weā€™ve donated that candy to our troops which I think is really cool!

Donā€™t Be Greedy ā€“ at each house only take one candy not a handful, otherwise itā€™s going to go to waste. Also, choose the small bite size candies instead of the full bars, this will make for better choices later.

Eat Dinner Beforehand ā€“ we always eat a healthy dinner before we go out trick-or-treating this makes our stomachs full so weā€™re not so hungry for candy (at least right away).

Drink Lots of Water ā€“ with all the sugar we are going to consume that evening, we know itā€™s important to compensate by drinking lots of water. We usually drink a bunch before we leave the house and bring a water bottle with us while we are trick-or-treating. Here in Arizona itā€™s helpful because it can be warm on Halloween night so we get thirsty quickly. My Momā€™s also encourage us to drink water in between each candy, not only to counteract the sugar a bit but also cleanse our pallet for the next candy.

Walk the Neighborhood ā€“ we always walk the neighborhood instead of drive, this gets our body moving. Like I said, this year Iā€™m going to skate it so Iā€™m going to have to wear my helmet as well. I expect to get a lot more exercise this year than usual. We make it a fun family night with all of us walking the neighborhood including our dog. Getting out and walking is one of the best things you can do for your body.

As a family, we eat healthy all year round so on Halloween we do get a little more freedom to treat ourselves without feeling guilty. Itā€™s important to have fun and celebrate but not go overboard at the expense of not feeling well or getting sick. Those 14 days of one candy each day is absolute bliss. Because we are eating and drinking healthy the rest of the day and year we can enjoy it even more!

About Kai Nunziato-Cruz:

Kai Nunziato-Cruz is a 12-year-old nutrition expert from Arizona. As the son of Liz Cruz M.D., a board-certified Gastroenterologist, and Tina Nunziato, a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant, Kai has watched his Moms for years help adults get well and stay well with their books, podcast, online home study program and more and felt it was his mission to take those same teachings to kids. Kai is the author of Digest This Now! for Kids a kid-friendly, doctor-approved book about healthy eating and he also teaches through his YouTube show Generation Kai

For More Information Visit Kai’s YouTube Channel here.