Disclaimer: Compensation was provided by Philips Avent via Momtrends. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Philips Avent or Momtrends.
I recently started to reconsider how I was allocating the seconds, minutes, hours of my days and thinking about the different ways that I could be reclaiming my own time. As a mom to my final baby, it’s time for me to start to the reclaiming my time process.
Finding Who You Are Outside Your Roles
I wouldn’t say that motherhood has made me forget who I am as a woman. I mean, I’m fairly confident who I am outside of being a mom. But towards the end of last year, I began to forget who I was outside of being an entrepreneur. The things that once started out as hobbies and fun turned into deadlines and stress. I forgot to enjoy myself and how to just have fun. I didn’t realize it until I was reviewing the answers for the end of the year survey and someone said they wanted me to write more about myself outside of being a mom or wife.
It really took me by surprise because:
- Someone wanted to know about me.
- I didn’t know who I was outside of being an entrepreneur.
This is so problematic to me and it made me want to cry! How did I get to this place of not even knowing what I like to do for fun or who I was outside of working, nursing a baby, teaching these kids, and being a wife? I know how I got here. I forgot to pay attention to me and my needs so now I’m reclaiming my time.
Reclaiming My Time As A Nursing Mom
As a nursing mom, there’s only so much I can do right away. I’m not picking up and heading to Bali for a week tomorrow. But I am making a more concerted effort to get out of the house by myself without a baby attached to my boob or checking social media. Leaving my baby is hard. I’m not going to lie. I love snuggling him and smelling his little head and I absolutely love our nursing relationship. But I need to know who I am again.
[clickToTweet tweet=”I’m not picking up and heading to Bali for a week tomorrow. But I am making a more concerted effort to get out of the house by myself without a baby attached to my boob or checking social media. ” quote=”I’m not picking up and heading to Bali for a week tomorrow. But I am making a more concerted effort to get out of the house by myself without a baby attached to my boob or checking social media.” theme=”style2″]
I’ve been pumping and building a supply so that when I leave BC, I know that I have enough milk. I’m so low maintenance when it comes to pumping and bottle feeding so I need something that isn’t going to deter me from doing it.
The Truth of Bottle Feeding
Bottle feeding hasn’t come as easily as we would have liked it to. Mini was the only to take her bottle like a champ with no issue. But BC is finicky and will typically only take a bottle from daddy, but he eventually takes it and that’s reassuring–I’m not trying to starve my sweet boy! We’re currently using the new Philips Avent Anti-colic bottle with AirFree vent that was recently released. I like this bottle because it’s easy to clean and makes it so that BC doesn’t swallow as much air when he’s nursing reducing colic, reflux and gas. This bottle was designed to mimic the breast as much as possible with a softer nipple, flexible spiral designed for easy latch, and making it easy for them to hold. While BC is hesitant on taking the bottle, he is realizing it is close to what I would provide him.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Leaving my baby is hard. I’m not going to lie. I love snuggling him and smelling his little head and I absolutely love our nursing relationship. But I need to know who I am again.” quote=”Leaving my baby is hard. I’m not going to lie. I love snuggling him and smelling his little head and I absolutely love our nursing relationship. But I need to know who I am again.” theme=”style2″]
Philips Avent
Philips Avent isn’t new to this whole baby bottle game. They’ve been around for more than 30 years working to make products that help moms in reclaiming their time by providing bottles that meet the needs of both moms and babies. The new Anti-Colic bottle reduces colic and fussing by 60% while offering different flow rates as well. Interested in learning more? Check out Philips Avent here!
So moms, how do you go about reclaiming your time and making sure that you take time for just you?