When my family tested positive for COVID-19 and I shared this, the main question that I received was, “How can I help?” The debacle I was in was that I really needed someone to come and get my kids while my husband and I healed but I couldn’t do that since they were exposed as well. But my friends, my village, my family still found ways to take care of me, and y’all–it made an impact. So what did they do that helped us?
They showed up in the only way that you could.
**Please note that this is not medical advice. I’m not a doctor. I’m just someone who survived COVID-19 and want to help others out as much as I can.**
How To Help People With COVID-19 Without Exposing Yourself
The key here is how do you do it in a way where you aren’t exposed yourself. Before we get into this, if you have COVID-19, I want to make it clear that you do not have to hide this. You don’t have to feel embarrassment or shame. This virus is coming for everyone whether we like it or not. We did all the “right” things and still got it. So if you have it, let people know so that they can show up for you. But if you’re reading this as someone who’s trying to help another who has coronavirus, keep reading.

Make Sure They Have The Supplements And Medicines They Need
I shared everything we took to combat COVID-19 but not everyone has this on hand. My suggestion is to make an order from Amazon to grab it, have Shipt or Instacart deliver it, or grab it yourself and drop it off to them. Keep in mind any allergies they may have and what symptoms they are actually having.
Get An Oximeter
These are those little things that go on your finger to read the level of oxygen in your body. They’re pretty reasonably priced on Amazon and ship quickly. I learned that normal SpO2 levels are between 95-100%–lower than that you should head to the hospital.
Send Food and Fluids
When I shared that we had been diagnosed with COVID-19, a friend asked me for my address and sent over electrolyte-enhanced drinks, microwavable soups, snacks for the kids, and tea. It’s essential that people who have coronavirus or any upper respiratory virus have warm/hot foods to fight the mucus that wants to settle in the chest area and hydration is incredibly important. If you’re a great cook, definitely drop off some homemade soup or chili. I’m still dreaming about the chili’s that were made for us!
Giftcards to UberEats, DoorDash, Postmates, etc
It’s so hard for me to accept help so when people were asking and I had no idea what to say, people just started sending me gift cards for food. One message had “No one fighting COVID should have to worry about dinner too” and I wholeheartedly agree. Not having to worry about feeding my family as I felt worse than I’ve ever felt before was such a big help. We live in an area that has a diverse offering for types of food so I was grateful for the healthy choices that balanced the comfort food. I was craving greens and salads and then proteins and I was able to fulfill these cravings easily.
Check-In Often
But don’t always expect a response. I would get calls and texts and they made me feel like I mattered which really helped in healing.
Ok friends, this is all I have. If there’s something that helped you all, please drop it in the comments and share with us!
My Family Got COVID-19
All the Supplements We Took To Battle COVID-19