**This is a sponsored post with The American Cleaning Institute. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Iā€™m pretty sure that most of us will agree that laundry is our nemesis when it comes to keeping a clean home. No matter how often you do it, it just never seems like itā€™s done. And then there are SO many steps to making sure itā€™s complete–gathering, sorting, washing, drying, folding and then putting away. While itā€™s a never-ending task that many of us despise, itā€™s really important to make sure that weā€™re keeping this task safe when you have children. Packets Up! is an initiative that helps to do just that.

Safe Practices for Doing Laundry

Something that I always tell my kids is what you do when youā€™re practicing is what you do when you perform. Itā€™s my way of telling them to always put their best foot forward. But the same rings true with keeping a safe environment for your children. Accidents can happen in an instant and when you least expect it so here are some best practices to make a habit as part of your laundry routine:

ā€¢ Always keep your laundry packets and liquids high up out of reach of your children.
ā€¢ Make sure they are stored in their original containers.
ā€¢ When using them, replace lids or seal bags up properly and promptly.
ā€¢ Make sure that everyone knows the proper procedure in the event of an accident or unintended exposure.

How to Handle Accidents If They Happen

Iā€™m not going to lie–it is easy to forget to treat these nifty little products like other household cleaners. Like I said, accidents do happen and if they happen on your watch, itā€™s important to note that it doesnā€™t make you a bad parent. Laundry packets are so convenient since they come in pre-measured packets that take the extra thought out of laundry. But the doses are so highly concentrated that itā€™s even more important to make sure that these stay out of the hands and mouths of your babes.

So what do you do if it happens?

Call Poison Help Line ASAP. Their number is 800.222.1222–make sure you add this to your phones now if it isnā€™t already there.

About Packets Up!

Packets Up! is an initiative that was created by the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) designed to help reduce the number of accidents caused by liquid laundry packet exposure in children. The cleaning products industry has a strong commitment to really educate consumers on the proper usage and storage of liquid laundry packets in order to prevent harm in children. ACI has worked with public safety officials and consumer groups to implement a new standard for labels and packaging geared towards reducing accidental exposures to these products. This is an ongoing working relationship too–not a one and done meeting.

Itā€™s Your Turn

Thatā€™s right. You have an assignment too. Go to your laundry area/room and look where your laundry detergent is right now. Ask yourself these question:
ā€¢ Is it closed properly?
ā€¢ Is it stored in the proper area?
ā€¢ What can you do differently if those questions are no?

As a reminder, itā€™s important to keep your detergent stored properly at all times. Accidents happen quickly with our curious littles. Go to PacketsUp.com for more information and the opportunity to receive a free reminder cling.

Check out the different resources that Packets Up! has to offer:

Information and Tools
Through Their Eyes Video
#PacketsUp on Facebook & Twitter