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Happy birthday to me! There are a lot of days that I look at myself in the mirror and it’s hard to comprehend that I’m beyond my mid-thirties now. I don’t mean this in a bad way but it still feels surreal that I’m now 36, married and a mother of 3 children. Anytime I tell my husband this, he looks at me like I’m crazy but it’s the truth. So what have these past 36 years brought me?

A lot.

A lot of lessons, trials, tribulations, successes, failures, tears, laughter and more.

It's my birthday!!! I turn 36 this year and I"m sharing 36 valuable tips, tricks and lessons with you so swing by and say happy birthday to me!

36 Things 36 Years Have Brought Me

  1. It’s ok to cry. It’s cleansing.
  2. If you cry a lot, make sure you drink a lot of water.
  3. Take risks–you’re worth it.
  4. Stop wearing clothes that don’t fit the body you have now.
  5. Love hard.
  6. Love everyone–we all deserve it.
  7. Always apologize genuinely.
  8. There’s always a time and a place for petty.
  9. Smile when you feel like it.
  10. Go to the doctor.
  11. Stop putting yourself on the backburner–you’re worth being first to yourself.
  12. Failure isn’t the end, it’s truly the beginning.
  13. Relaxing is part of the work.
  14. Drink wine. Or don’t.
  15. Drink lots of water.
  16. Work out because you want to be healthy, not skinny.
  17. Loving yourself is a daily commitment.
  18. Self-help books are really helpful.
  19. Find a planner that works for you and then make it work for you.
  20. Get a good bank account.
  21. Learn new things.
  22. Love the differences.
  23. Don’t give up on the people you love.
  24. Fight for yourself daily.
  25. Take your vitamins.
  26. A good probiotic is life-changing.
  27. Find an outlet for stress relief that works for you.
  28. Do yoga.
  29. Set goals and then set up plans to achieve them.
  30. Play in makeup.
  31. Kiss your spouse often.
  32. Have lots of sex.
  33. Know your worth and then add tax.
  34. Moisturize your skin.
  35. Allow yourself the space to emote and feel.
  36. Tell the truth–to your and others.
It's my birthday!!! I turn 36 this year and I"m sharing 36 valuable tips, tricks and lessons with you so swing by and say happy birthday to me!

Happy Birthday To Me eShakti Style

One of the reasons I started sewing was because it was too hard to find clothes to fit my body after having children. As much as I love making new clothes, sometimes I just don’t feel like it. For my birthday this year, I ordered a piece from eShakti and now I’m questioning whether or not I need to feel pressed to sew for myself. This kimono-sleeved jumpsuit is EVERYTHING!!!

It's my birthday!!! I turn 36 this year and I"m sharing 36 valuable tips, tricks and lessons with you so swing by and say happy birthday to me!
It's my birthday!!! I turn 36 this year and I"m sharing 36 valuable tips, tricks and lessons with you so swing by and say happy birthday to me!

Ordering was so easy. I just took my measurements, plugged them in and my jumpsuit arrived a week later. When there was a question about my sizing, they shot me an email to clarify. And now I want to live in this jumpsuit because, well, see number 4. Happy birthday to me!

It's my birthday!!! I turn 36 this year and I"m sharing 36 valuable tips, tricks and lessons with you so swing by and say happy birthday to me!

What are some of the greatest lessons or most memorable moments you’ve had thus far?