I can admit when I’m wrong and I was wrong about this.

The hubs told me that I needed to sign up for DailyBurn and I told him that that sort of workout wouldn’t work for me because I need variety. Plus, the I don’t like being told what to do and when. I want to determine my own workout schedule so I can incorporate the variety that I need.dailyburn

DailyBurn does this and more. And my husband was right.

Though I’m no longer a subscriber (I had to join a gym so that I could have dedicated, kid-free time to focus on these here goals) I love this site and all the workouts. I did my free 30 day trial with the “Move” program. I love to dance and feel like I missed my calling from Alvin Ailey (trust, they will never dial my number lol). The first workout that I did was the African Dance. Once I finished, I was dripping with sweat, exhausted, and had burned 500+ calories. #win


Though I was following the “Move” program, I also had the freedom to choose other workouts to do. I loved the kettle bell workout. It was challenging but it also taught me the proper form for some of my favorite exercises. I also love a good bootcamp and they offered these styles as well. The hubs joined me for a couple of workouts and agreed that they were pretty awesome.


The best part was the price: $12.95/month and you got a plethora of workouts that were challenging in addition to meal plans. Yes, meal plans are included. As I write this I’m almost tempted to cancel my gym membership and re-sign up!