This post is brought to you through a partnership with Pink Blush Clothing.
All thoughts and opinions are my own.
The other day in my Instagram stories I was talking about how I was tired of the notion that in order to be seen as someone who is doing really well at this entrepreneur life thing, you had to be busy all the time. It seems as if the addiction to busyness is one that’s been glorified to a fault. Being busy all the time is tiring, unhealthy and I’m over it.
What Does It Mean To Be Addicted to Busyness?
I remember thinking that I was being efficient by answering emails as I quickly pushed through the grocery store. Or how I subscribed to the notion that if I wasn’t accessible at all times then I would miss out on opportunities. Being addicted to busyness is those things and more. It’s not being able to relax and be present because you have to be doing all the things.

If my best friend Brittany reads this post here, I know she’ll be proud of me for canceling this glorification of busy and calling it what it is–my inability to be happy with myself unless my plate of life is completely overflowing. I remember reading somewhere that sometimes people who struggle with this addiction to busyness somewhere along the line equated always being busy with being valuable and worthy.
By being busy all the time, are you running from something?
I’m Done With Being Busy All The Time–And You Should Be Too
When was the last time that you drank your coffee without multitasking? Or perused the grocery store instead of rushing through it? Or sat and just enjoyed your children without that urge to do something at the same time?

Sadly, my answers were really bad. It wasn’t until my kids started school and BC was out the house that I was ready to see that things were, well, not the greatest. With me having more time now you would think that I was less busy but this isn’t the truth. My days have been filled with this, that, and then some more.
And being that busy just didn’t make me happy.
It’s OK to Relax and Enjoy The Moment
I’m saying this for myself too. It’s ok to just walk because you feel like taking a walk. It’s ok to snuggle your baby a little longer. Take that nap and feel invigorated. Drink your coffee and feel the warmth as it envelopes your body. Listen to music and dance.
These pants are from PinkBlush and I love them!
Take the time and enjoy life friend. You deserve it.