
Before leaving my job, I took a couple of trainings on Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People“. I know it’s dramatic, but in the midst of my first training I thought the principles were life changing.Ā I’d been exposed to the book and the principles behind them on many occasions but the training delved way deeper into the habits and how to apply them. As I sat in training, I began thinking about how I’d already been applying them as a mother.

In the next couple of weeks I’ll be posting in a series on how Covey’s 7 Habits can be adapted to parenthood. Just to begin, here are the 7 Habits that Covey defines:

Practice 1: Be Proactive

Practice 2:Ā Begin With the End in Mind

Practice 3: Put First Things First

Practice 4: Think Win-Win

Practice 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood

Practice 6: Synergize

Practice 7: Sharpen the Saw

2c310bcCovey actually developed a “7 Habits of Highly Effective Families” that are based off these original principles. I haven’t had a chance to read these yet and there’s a chance that I may not. But I think that it’s incredibly important for the adults of the family to be well-versed in effectiveness and efficiency. This not only positively affects the family overall, but it really helps us as parents.

There have been many nights that I went to bed thinking of the things that I wish I had gotten accomplished or things I could have done differently or just lacking a level of satisfaction with the productivity that I’d had as a mother. As parents, when we feel good about ourselves and the days that we’ve had, we make better parents, spouses, people.

As much as I love Stephen Covey and the Franklin-Covey company, I’m in no way affiliated with them. They’ve not endorsed me reviewing this or the practical application that I plan on sharing here. I just love the program and think that many of us can parent from Covey’s principles! So with that being said, this is the introduction to a multi-part series that will be taking place on Monday’s. The purpose behind this is so that we as parents can feel better and productive in our roles as mother/father, wife/husband, employee/boss, etc.

**Don’t forget the #SheaItAintSo GIVEAWAY is still going on!!! Make sure you enter today!**