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When people think of being crunchy, they normally have this extreme picture in their minds about how we live. While I would love to compost, ONLY cloth diaper, have an amazing garden where I grow everything myself as I walk around in my Birkenstocks, that’s not my life and there’s a reason my tagline is “practically green living”. Living a green life isn’t as hard as people would think–especially thanks to books like Leah Segedie’s book Green Enough–and it’s totally possible to make the changes you need to daily.
Here are 5 things you can do today to get you started on reducing your carbon footprint by living a little more green:
1. Use Reusable Totes When Going Grocery Shopping
Yep. This is a super easy way to not only cut down on the amount of trash in your home but it makes it so that you don’t overspend–sometimes. But seriously. I know that there are these grocery bag savers out there and there are ways to recycle the bags but let’s be real here: it would be better if you DIDN’T have to recycle them because you didn’t use them to begin with! Ultimately, these bags normally end up in the trash OR recycling bin. But using cloth totes makes things way better for the environment since these aren’t going to be tossed anytime soon.
Always forget them? Grab between 5-10 right now and toss them in your trunk. Go ahead. I’ll wait.
2. Stop Trashing Recycle-able Items
In our last house we had a HUGE recycle bin that was filled with various recycle-able items so this made it easy. Now? We only have trash so we have to take our recycling to the center itself. An extra step, yes. But worth it? Entirely. Check with your waste management company to see if they offer recycling as a service.
3. Stop Leaving The Lights On When You’re Not In The Room
Yes, we often fuss at our kids for leaving the lights on for more than the environment. This has a two-fold benefit: your pockets and mother nature.
[clickToTweet tweet=”You’ve got to check out these 5 practically green living tips from @thecrunchymommy! They are so doable!” quote=”Going green isn’t as hard as you would think!”]
4. Turn The Water Off When You Aren’t Using It
This is for when you’re washing dishes, brushing teeth, showering, etc. In GA we are in a constant state of drought so we really can’t afford water loss!
5. Go Paperless With Your Bills
In an ideal world we would be completely paperless but that’s not the one we live in right now. But turning off paper bills is one step in the right direction. Set an alert on your calendar for when bills are due and then pay them online.
See? These aren’t too hard, right?Ā