Can you believe that another holiday season is upon us? I can’t. It feels like it was just yesterday that I was making New Year resolutions to getting my life together and now, well, the year is over! Being a #SmallBusiness owner myself, I thought it was important to highlight the small businesses that that have amazing products for this year’s gift guide.

2016 #SmallBusiness Holiday Gift Guide

'Tis the season for gift giving! As you prepare to shower the ones you love with gifts, be sure to check out this #SmallBusiness Holiday Gift Guide!

I’ve put together a holiday gift guide this year that focused on a couple different categories to represent the loved ones in your life so be sure to flip through and see what is being offered for them! These categories include the traditional baby, kids, his/her gifts with the addition of sections for the seamstress in your life (ahem), the planner junkie (ahem), and the entrepreneur (ahem). Ok, so basically I put together a gift guide of things that I would love myself! I kid but not–I do have rather great taste though!

I’m proud to say that some of my friends are listed in here and are doing some rather big things. For the entrepreneurs, Iyanna is offering something that we all need so be sure to check her out by 11/30 and see how she can help take your business to the next level. My girl Elly (who also has guest posted here!) has a coloring book just for us women! And Sili will have all of us organized just in time for the new year.

That’s just to name a few greats that are in there. I could say more but then that would take away from all the grueling hours that I put in to create a unique gift guide that you all would appreciate! So without further adieu, I bring you the 2016 #SmallBusiness Holiday Gift Guide!

Happy shopping!