I loooooove New Years!!! Mainly because my slightly OCD tendencies makes it virtually impossible to start something new at any other time than a new beginning (beginning of the week, birthday, year, etc.). As hard as change is for me, I really welcome positive change in my life and that’s what I strive for every year–out with the old, bad behaviors/habits and in with some new and healthy ones.

This year my focus is on thriving. I feel like right now I’m in survival mode. Like I’m making it, I’m doing ok, but I’m not thriving or flourishing in my opinion. A lot of my days are spent brooding versus being happy and grateful. There’s A LOT that I want to accomplish next year but my focus is on thriving in all aspects of my life. I want to be happy in all my roles that I have. But in order for me to go about this, I’ve got to do something different.

Every month I’m going to focus on something different. For example, discipline is something that I desperately need in my life again. So for one month I’ll be focusing on sharpening my discipline “knife”. Then another month will be something else. My goal is to use these months to create habits that I build upon so by the end of the year, I have 12 new habits that I’ve honed for a minimum of a month.

In no particular order, these are the things I’m working on thriving at:
• discipline (2 mos)
• being a better wife
• being a better mother
• taking better care of myself (2 mos)
• writing (2 mos)
• expressing my creativity
• organization
• eating more fresh foods and less processed foods

Some of these things will take longer than one month to work on so that I’m in a place of thriving but I’m really looking forward to the new year. In 2014 I became a wife to the most wonderful man and a mother of two. As much as I’ve enjoyed becoming both of these, it’s been a transitional year for us. I haven’t been the best to myself and it’s been showing in my role as mother and wife. Every month I will either come up with my 30 days of assignments or I’ll find something on Google/Pinterest.

The goal isn’t to have these hard tasks that I can’t accomplish, rather, to have simple yet useful tasks to complete to help me feel like I’m swimming easier versus struggling to catch my breathe. In addition to these monthly “assignments”, I’m going to make a “jar of accomplishments” where I’ll jot down the things I’ve done well or felt good about or my blessings throughout the year. This way if I’m feeling down, I have these to read. And at the end of 2015, I can look back on what I’ve accomplished.

Do you do resolutions?