This post is sponsored by Vicks.
When you have kids, everyone always focuses on an evening routine for them. No one ever thinks about poor mom who is walking around looking like an extra from The Walking Dead. Until now.
Mamas, I’m here for you—for us.
We Spend All Day On Everyone Else
Whether you’re a work-at-home mom or stay-at-home mom, chances are your days are filled with taking care of everyone else. By the time that you’ve run all the errands, picked up/dropped off/picked back up everyone, cooked dinner, read a million books, kissed heads and gotten super hugs, you’re ready for a moment for yourself. Depending on your lifestyle, this may look different but when you’re what’s affectionately known as a mompreneur, once the kids are in bed the work begins.
Creative Minds Flourish At Night
With the darkness comes silence and with silence comes the churning of new and amazing thoughts. I always say that once my brain wakes up, that’s it. I can’t go back to sleep. But that’s the same for me at night. Once I get excited about a post or project or new piece that I want to sew I don’t want to stop until it’s done. Sometimes that turns into 2am and then I’m functioning on limited amount of sleep the next as I pray for an IV of coffee.
While it’s great to be productive, it’s not great if it leaves me beyond exhausted the next day. I know it’s not just me, but when I’m tired I can’t move as quickly, think clearly, or be as efficient as I need to be with 3 kids. I don’t like not being productive but even more so, I hate being tired and discombobulated. But sometimes it’s hard to shut down and get to bed at a decent hour so I decided to handle myself the way I would one of my kids: I put myself on an evening wind down routine.

These taste like dreams waiting to be had.
My Evening Routine
Before I share with you my routine, I want you to know that I’m basically the equivalent to a child when it comes to going to bed, so it’s not going to be what you see in movies where ladies are rubbing moisturizer on their hands and turning off lamps on their nightstands. My husband and I normally pass out wherever we sit for more than 5 minutes and then fuss at each other to go lay down. We’re getting it together with this routine though:
After I put BC to bed
- Work for 2 hours tops
- Have a cup of tea
- Wash face, brush teeth, moisturize face (and possibly hands, ha)
- Read daily affirmations
- Snuggle up with one (or both) of my guys
- Doze off easily
Another step in my nighttime is now thanks to the new, Vicks PURE Zzzs Soothing Aromatherapy Balm. The balm is made with lavender and chamomile essentials oils to help moisturize your skin…and the aromas are so relaxing before bedtime.
Getting Great Sleep With ZzzQuil
Do you remember when Vicks ZzzQuil first came out? I do. I remember thinking, “Yes!!! Now I no longer have to take NyQuil when all I really need is sleep!!!” But did you know they’ve expanded their line?
They now have ZzzQuil PURE Zzzs Melatonin Gummies that taste like dreams waiting to happen. I take 1-2 gummies before balm and they help me fall asleep naturally. They also contain the optimal level of melatonin so I can wake refreshed with no next-day grogginess*.
Additionally, when I am traveling or occasionally need to fall asleep in 20 minutes or less, I turn to ZzzQuil, instead of the gummies. ZzzQuil allows me to fall asleep fast, because we all have those days every so often, right?