Please welcome Ms. Edna Thomson to The Crunchy Mommy as today’s guest poster.

"Broom, sponge and towel" by Chuck Marean - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -,_sponge_and_towel.jpg#/media/File:Broom,_sponge_and_towel.jpg

HavingĀ a sparkling clean and shiny house is essential forĀ creating a comfortable home environment. Nowadays you canĀ choose among a wide range of options when cleaning productsĀ are concerned. Commercial cleaners will certainly do a greatĀ job, however, if you search for cost effective solution that willĀ still help you to clean your home in an outstanding way, there isĀ nothing better than natural cleaning.

Before applying allĀ homemade cleaningĀ methods that youĀ already know, youĀ need to be acquaintedĀ with some excellent time saving tips that will make the cleaningĀ process easier. Around your working schedule and other duties,Ā you probably lack time to devote on cleaning procedures. DoĀ not feel disturbed by this fact ā€“ thanks to these wonderful tipsĀ you will manage to catch up with the chores and to save up a lot of time. Switching to natural cleaning may be weird at the beginning,Ā however, you will soon understand that this cleaning method.

Here are some wonderful time saving tips:

Stick to a Few Natural Cleaners

You will save time when you choose just a few recipes whenĀ providing a cleaning at home. There is no need to use aĀ different cleaner for every chore, this will only make the processĀ of cleaning more complicated and tiring. Pick two or threeĀ recipes and apply them on a regular basis. Avoid those ones thatĀ require many ingredients ā€“ as long as you have bakingĀ soda, white vinegar and lemon juice, you will be able to cleanĀ the surfaces in a perfect way. The all-purpose cleaning spraysĀ are easily prepared and they are suitable for cleaning of sinksĀ cabinets and counter-tops. Focus on simpler recipes that requireĀ less time and investments. I assure you that they do a great job.

Label Your Cleaners

Labeling the cleaners with the recipe will definitely saves youĀ a lot of time. Instead of wondering whatĀ ingredients areĀ used for the cleaner, you can quickly take a look at theĀ lines that you had already written. Apart from this, you wonā€™tĀ wonder what is it inside the container, every time you need toĀ use it. A simple label with the instructions written helpsĀ a lot.

Put the Bottles Near Where They Will Be Used

In case you are used to doingĀ last minute cleaning,Ā leaving the bottles in the areas that are cleaned daily will prove to be time efficient. If you want to start with theĀ bathroom or kitchen cleaning immediately, keep a bottle of all-purpose spray close to that areas so that you could start with aĀ deep cleaning whenever you want. Another useful tip is to storeĀ some vinegar or baking soda in the bathroom cabinet wheneverĀ you need to apply quick and effective cleaning.

These are some useful cleaning tips that will definitely save youĀ up a lot of time and will allow you to manage with the cleaningĀ tasks easily, even when your schedule is tight. Natural cleaningĀ has many benefits and one of the most important is that it willĀ protect you from chemical exposure. Go green and lock all theĀ commercial cleaners in the cabinet. Do not hesitate to prepareĀ your natural cleaning kit and keep in mind the tips mentionedĀ above. Your home will be cleaned and you will be able toĀ manage with the chores quickly and effectively.

Edna Thomson

Edna Thomson

This article is written by Edna J. Thomson.

She works as aĀ manager of TenancyCleaners

Cricklewood and loves to shareĀ interesting tips.