One of the things that I’ve been working on is getting out more and hanging out with other moms that can normalize my experiences. I was browsing Instagram one day and stumbled upon this picture: <insert picture>

I checked out the website and contacted the organizer Cynthia. She is this wonderful, bubbly woman that has a vision for this conference that really has me excited for the conference. Networking, normalizing, empowering, nurturing… All in one space.


I need this…

After being honest with myself and admitting that I was lonely in this role as a WAHM and then recently feeling overwhelmed trying to balance the roles as mom, wife, and momprenuer, I really need to be in a space where I can get the mental and emotional nurturing that I need. One of the things that I encourage others to do but don’t do myself is take care of myself. I’m so busy taking care of others that by the time the day has ended, I have nothing left to give myself. This isn’t healthy and has been taking a toll on me.

A great learning experience…FHL Pinterest 1

There’s no manual for moms. So much of parenting is just winging it in all these experiences. Blogging creates a great platform for moms to share experiences but there is nothing like being able to do it in person. So many other moms are dealing with similar or different experiences that conferences are great forum for learning from each other.

I get to network with like-minded moms…

Faith. Hope. Love. All these are huge to me as a mom. My husband has taught me so much about faith but learning about faith as a mom is a little different. As is hope and love. I want to extend my village, build my network, and get to know more moms. I’m excited about this.

For more information on the conference, check out the website and register! I hope to see you there!