Friends. My final baby is potty trained. It happened so fast that I have conflicting feelings. While I’m so happy to never have to buy him diapers again, it’s also the realization that I don’t have a baby anymore! Pardon me as I go weep in a corner. So just how fast is fast when it came to potty training him?
Three days.
Ok, so the three-day potty training method is not something that’s new on these here interwebs but with a background in psychology, I always felt like putting the pressure on them to be done within the three days would get them caught up in that anal-retentive phase–not something I want. But alas, three days later, our boy is in his underwear and hasn’t gone back.
Preparing For Potty Training
I will say that BC was fully primed to be potty trained before our three-day weekend that we made it happen. To make sure that they’re ready to be potty trained, there’s a couple of things that I’ve typically done with all 3 of my kids:
- Wait until there’s an interest in the potty. This may be them coming into the bathroom with you and pointing at what you’re doing or somehow signaling that they understand what’s happening.
- Put them on the potty and see what they do. If they hop off immediately, they may not be ready. If they sit there for a bit and do their business, it’s time.
- Take them shopping for underwear. We didn’t do trainers (Pull-ups or any other brand). My mom bought BC some little boxer briefs and he picked out some Spider-Man briefs. I’ve also made him a couple pair too.
- Buy a potty that’s easy for them to access themselves. If you have 2 floors, I would buy two and leave one on each floor.
- Leave their potty out and let them get used to seeing it.

Three-Day Potty Training Guide
Day One
Let them be pantsless all day. Set a timer to go off every 30 minutes and take them to the bathroom to use their potty once it goes off. If they don’t go then, snooze the timer for 15 minutes. Every time they go, give them a reward immediately. Some people use candies, stickers, charts but we sing a song. It’s been the same song since I potty trained Mini. Get them excited about using the potty.
If they have an accident, DO NOT SCOLD THEM! Yes, in all caps. It’s important to not make them feel bad about having accidents–they happen. Accidents are part of life. Be gentle and encouraging.
Day Two
Let them choose the underwear they want to wear. If they didn’t go every 30 minutes, it’s ok to push this back to 45 minutes. Mini was every 30 minutes and BC was every 45 minutes–their bodies are different and that’s ok. Adjust with it.
Continue huge celebrations for using the potty successfully.

Day Three
Again, let them choose their underwear. While they’re beginning to understand the signals their body sends to trigger having to use the potty, they still need to be asked every 30-45 minutes. Try going out with them wearing their underwear. Be sure to pack a travel potty for the car in case you need to pull over and let them go as well as a foldable potty for public restrooms.
- Kids will typically have to go to the bathroom 20 minutes after eating or drinking.
- If they’re active and playing, they’ll have to go to the bathroom in closer time increments.
- Be sure to point boys penis’ down or they’ll spray everywhere and everything.
- Make sure that you pack 2 extra sets of clothes if leaving the house just in case.
- Once you put on cloth underwear, don’t go back to diapers no matter how frustrating. Sleeping in diapers is fine.
Have a question about potty training? Drop it in the comments! Want to share your own tips? Do it there too!
Potty Training Resources: Boxer Briefs | Panties | Travel Seat Cover | Potty | Watch