In everything that we do, say, support, money speaks loudest and this Earth Day, I want to remind you of this. What does that mean, right? Buy and financially support brands that are committed to reducing their carbon imprint on the Earth. It’s as simple and complicated as that.

Simple AND complicated??? Say what, now?

In an ideal world, you know one that actually supports the world living longer, this wouldn’t be a discussion. The entire world–*ahem* America *ahem*–would adopt new laws that governed the amount of pollution that organizations could contribute to or make plastic illegal. But we aren’t there and while that’s not ok, there are still small changes that make a big impact.

Anytime money is in the equation, things can be complicated especially if it’s really tight. But the truth is, if you want to make a difference, you have to start with a financial impact. You vote with your dollars and the Earth needs that vote.

Earth day should be every day but it's not. The greatest impact we can make on Mother Earth is with our money. Here's how.

Earth Day Should Be Every Day And Here’s Why

Right now, everyone is touting that they believe in science as it pertains to the vaccine. Well, we need everyone to believe in science as it relates to the Earth as well and she’s dying. Climate change is as real and relevant as vaccinations. If we have no Earth to live on then these vaccinations really won’t matter. So we need to do a better job in making sure that we actually have an Earth to live on with our vaccinated selves. Every day we have a choice to treat our home better than we are and we need to choose wisely.

Let Organizations Know You’re Serious About Supporting The Earth By How And Who You Spend Your Money With

The first time I asked my Starbucks Barista not to put the plastic stopper in felt awkward because I was asking them to break their norm. When I first started traveling with my own empty water bottle to fill it up at the stations I felt weird. My pockets felt better and I felt like I was making better decisions for the world, but stepping out of the norm can be hard. Not purchasing water bottles at the airport and not allowing the plastic stoppers are small changes that have the ability to make a huge impact if we all do them.

Be Intentional About Your Purchases

As a parent, it feels like I’m always buying something for my kids. The larger expenses are car seats, shoes, and food. Making sure that the purchases I make are both thoughtful and thrifty can be hard. So let’s look at how we can make our money talk here.


Find something that you’re able to use from birth up to preschool/school-aged. These exist??? Of course! Check out this Chicco Carseat that was gifted to me for BC. This Chicco Fit4 4-in-1 Convertible All-In-One Car Seat here runs about $350 but this is the only car seat that you’ll ever need so it’s a one-time purchase. What this does is also reduces waste because you aren’t moving from infant car seat to toddler to booster. That’s a total of 3 seats normally needed and 6 if you have them for more than one car. Streamlining this way is effective for both your pockets and waste management.


I love a good deal so I’m intentional about buying shoes that last since my kids are especially hard on them. But did you know that you can buy shoes that are eco-friendly for little feet AND big feet? In this post here I shared how the adidas brand has been recycling plastic from the ocean and turning them into shoes. But check out these other brands here:

  • Lane–Eight makes adult athletic shoes. Every pair recycles 11 water bottles while restoring 31 liters of clean water.
  • All Birds has sustainably made shoes and clothing for adults.
  • Veja has shoes for both adults and children.


Pre-loved clothes are the way to go IMO. It’s always so nice to have some hand-me-downs! But if you can’t get hand-me-downs from people you know, check out these retailers:

  • ThredUp is probably my favorite because they have a great plus size selection too.
  • Cake Plus-Size Shop specializes in plus-size consignment.
  • Poshmark is great for clothes, shoes and home goods


Friends, it is so important to shop from your local farmers and I can’t stress this enough. Many local farmers may not show that they are certified organic because the certification process is an expensive and tedious one. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t practicing organic farming. Also: when you buy your food locally, it not only impacts your local economy positively but it’s also better for your body. If you have allergies, you should try and get as much local bee pollen to ingest to help your body. So check your local farmer’s markets to pick up as much as you can from there.

Earth day should be every day but it's not. The greatest impact we can make on Mother Earth is with our money. Here's how.

On a budget? Eat foods that are in season–they’ll be priced lower.

Because we live in a capitalistic society, money talks. Be intentional about where you’re putting your money this Earth day and every day.