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The temperatures in Atlanta keep rising. I’m not sure if we’ve had a day where the temperatures have been under 80 degrees. As the heat rises and the kids stay active, so do the chances of summer dehydration. Getting them to slow down and hydrate can be difficult unless you prepare for pushback in advance.
Tips To Preventing Summer Dehydration
Depending on the kid, getting them to drink water can be a chore. But it doesn’t have to be! Here are some tips to getting them to drink more water during the summer heat.

Make Fruit Infused Ice Cubes
Infusing water with fruits and herbs has become really popular in the past couple of years. Making ice cubes is a fun way to get them involved with their water intake. Have them choose their flavor combinations so that they feel like they’re part of the planning. If going with berries, mash them so the flavors really pop. Some of our favorite combinations are cucumber and mint, oranges and strawberry, lime and strawberry, and lemon and ginger. Keep a bunch frozen and ready to add to water throughout the day!
Keep Water At Ideal Temperatures
The only time I like cold water is when I’m pregnant. I’m a room temperature kind of girl. So are my kids–unless they’re super hot and then they want ice-cold water. We keep water at both temps so there’s no room for them to say things like, “Well the water isn’t cold/is too cold so I don’t want to drink it.”
Give Them A Special Water Bottle To Drink Out Of Daily
This was a hack that my husband gave me. Whenever he has the kids, he starts them out with filled water bottles and then challenges them to fill them up multiple times. They are super competitive so they love this.

Switch Things Up With good2grow Fortified Waters
I would be lying if I said I didn’t get tired of water all the time as an adult which means that you know kids do too. We stumbled upon the good2grow Fortified Waters when we were at the Decatur Beach Party where it was sweltering. After seeing that each 10oz bottle only had 3 grams of sugar and no added sugar, I was more than ok with them drinking them. And they were excited about it too because they got to choose the collectible podz that they wanted!

About good2grow Fortified Waters
good2grow Fortified Waters come in two really delicious flavors: Rasberry Lemonade and Orange Mango (a fave around here). The top twists off making it easy to chug the water inside. The waters have been fortified with Calcium and Vitamin D making them not just your basic water. Click here to find a retailer near you that has them!
What tips do you have to prevent summer dehydration?