I’m a self-professed workout junkie—or was. After having mini I was determined to become a runner. Why running right? Well, I grew up as a competitive swimmer and during our workouts, running was the one thing that I just couldn’t do. I remember getting made fun of and how that made me feel. Well, after mini I became a runner. I have a triathlon and half marathon along with countless 5&10k’s under my belt. Dedicated and disciplined. That’s what I was.
Now it’s time for me to get back on the train and stay there. This adjustment to two kids has hit my energy levels hard. My plan was to resume morning workouts before everyone woke up. This way I would have my me time along with my workouts and start my day out strong. Well, abc has a different plan for me and my morning workouts have become null and void. Actually, all my working out had become null and void. Right at the 6 week mark I was on it but I was also home. I was getting my 20-30 min workouts in and feeling really great about myself. But then when I returned to work, that changed.
One of the things I have to change is my mindset about working out. I have to remember that with 1 infant and 1 preschooler, a 1 hour morning workout just may not be in the stars—but that doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t still be working out. I read a blog written by a mom who talked about just getting in 10min a day. And that 10min/day is better than no minutes. As baby gets bigger, workouts can get longer because you can leave them with people. I’ve come up with some basic 10min workouts that both involve baby and some that don’t to help my fellow mommies out there.
- Kettle bell (my favorite)
- Yoga mat
- Weighted Jump Rope
- Weighted Gloves
- Pilates ball
- Moby Wrap or other baby wearing contraption
Baby-Friendly Workout
Make sure that baby is securely strapped to you.
00:00-00:30 Marching in place
00:30-01:00 Squats
01:00-02:00 Stationary Lunges (30sec each leg)
02:00-02:30 Standing Oblique Crunches
02:30-03:00 Plié Squats
03:00-03:30 Wall Sit
03:30-04:00 Tricep Dips on Chair
Unstrap baby and lay on yoga mat
04:30-05:00 Push-ups
05:00-06:00 Baby Chest Press (lie on back and do chest press with baby—make sure head is supported)
06:00-06:30 Push-ups
06:30-07:00 Plank
07:00-07:30 Heel Taps (lie on back with knees bent. Place baby so their backs are resting on your thighs and legs are resting on your stomach/chest)
07:30-08:00 Cruches
08:00-09:00 Pilates Roll-Ups
09:00-10:00 Walk in Place
Kettle bell Workout (My Favorite!!!)
00:00-00:30 Jog in place
00:30-01:00 High Knees
01:00-01:30 Butt Kicks
01:30-02:00 Jumping Jacks
02:00-03:00 Kettle bell Swings Alternating hands
03:00-04:00 Figure 8’s
04:00-05:00 Single Leg Deadlifts (30 seconds each leg)
05:00-05:30 Skater
05:30-06:00 Goblet Squats
06:00-07:00 Kettle bell Lunge Press (30 seconds each side)
07:00-08:00 Kettle bell High Pull (30 seconds each arm)
08:30-09:30 Kettle bell Russian Twist
09:30-10:00 Walk in place
Mini Boxer Workout
Need weighted gloves and jump rope
00:00-01:00 Jump rope
01:00-01:30 High Knees
01:30-02:00 Butt Kicks
02:00-02:30 Jumping Jacks
02:30-03:00 Fast jabs
03:00-04:00 3 Jabs, 1 Knee lift
04:00-05:00 3 Uppercuts, 1 Kick
05:00-05:30 Boxer Shuffle
05:30-06:00 Tuck Jumps
06:00-07:00 Oblique crunch in low squat
07:00-08:00 Side to Side Twist in low squat
08:30-09:30 Fast jabs
09:30-10:00 Walk in place/Boxer Shuffle
I have more that I’ll post as time goes on. I wasn’t a believer that 10min could make a difference but something is way better than nothing!