This is a sponsored post with Ridgecrest Herbals.
When I found the world of healthy supplements, I fell in love. As I read each label and what it did or how it supported my body, I was like “OMG I NEED ALL OF THEM!!” And while, yes, I could probably benefit from them all, determining which supplements I needed turned out to be the best gift to myself. So, how do you know what you need and which supplements are good for you?
Glad you asked.
Don’t Just Jump Into Buying And Trying All The Supplements Friends!
If you’ve been reading for a while, you’ll remember that in October 2019 I was diagnosed with being pre-diabetic. Prior to my diagnosis, I was popping all the supplements hoping it would help—they provided a temporary solution to a bigger issue. It wasn’t until I went to STAT Wellness that I was able to find the source of many of the issues that I was experiencing: inflammation caused by my lifestyle.
I was on the right track with some of my choices in supplements but after having some tests run, everything made more sense I knew how to set up a supplement routine that truly benefitted me.

Source Your Supplements From Reputable Brands
I make it no secret that I love Ridgecrest Herbals and here’s why:
I tried the SinusClear when I was in need after talking to them and it worked. There wasn’t trial and error. Anyone who you talk to at Ridgecrest Herbals knows what their products do and how they work. Are they the only natural and non-toxic supplements out there? No. Do they have supplements for everything? They don’t. But here’s what I love about them and their products: they are transparent.
So when you’re sourcing your own supplements, make sure that you’re looking for transparency in their ingredients. I can take a look at their website and Google an ingredient to see what my own research pulls. But it pulls the same thing as them.
Only Take What You Need When You Need It
I don’t have panic attacks every day nor does anxiety overwhelm me daily anymore so I don’t take the AnxietyFree I take it when I’m struggling and then for a couple of days after that to help my body regulate my cortisol levels and other things. My hair isn’t always breaking off but after a stint with COVID19, it did so I took it for 2 months, and now I don’t. But inflammation and adrenal fatigue are two things that I normally struggle with so Adrenal and PHYSQOL are in my daily regimen.

Supplements VS Medicine
Let me preface this by reminding you all that I am not a healthcare professional and that I share what has worked for me, what research shows and I believe in making the best decisions for your health. So why are supplements necessary and why don’t I just take a medicine?
Here’s the thing: our foods are losing nutritional density—this is another conversation for another day though. Whereas vitamins, minerals, etc used to be found in our foods, because they aren’t, we supplement them. As foods become more processed, they lose nutritional value. But our bodies still need the nutrients. Supplements fill in that gap and help our bodies. Some help “train” our bodies to produce things naturally while others are just there more permanently.

Why not just take a medicine? For me, medicines can be way harsh and come with additional side effects that I just don’t want. That doesn’t mean they aren’t good or effective. But we focus more on slow living so I’m ok treating deficiencies slower through lifestyle changes, supplements, and being more mindful. And in truth, this works for most things that I’ve been afflicted with. I’m able to reduce my body’s inflammation with the use of supplements, exercise, and being intentional about not being stressed out. This looks like yoga, taking breaks, going for a walk, talking to my husband, hugging my kids and being intentional about filling my cup.
Ultimately, supplements are there just to enhance your health. In order to do this, you should first consult a healthcare professional to work together in establishing goals so that you know how to find which supplements are good for you.
Are you a supplement lover? How did you figure out which ones you needed to take?