Baby abc has been nursing the same double ear infection for about 3 months. She was diagnosed with a double ear infection after rocking a fever of 103 back in March. She’d previously had one in December in her right here but a 10-day dose of amoxicillin knocked that right out. We were prescribed amoxicillin again, but it didn’t work.

We were probably on day 7 when her fever spiked again. We immediately went to the urgent care to see what was going on. She was absolutely miserable. We were prescribed a total of 5 antibiotics over this period of time. The last one was Suprax and it was $275 without the guarantee that it would take care of the infection. No. It didn’t happen.

Not only did this financially not make sense for me to do, but logically this didn’t seem to be the best bet. I was being told that ABC’s ears couldn’t drain the congestion. So no matter how many antibiotics that we were given, not one of them would handle the fact that she physically could not drain the fluids. And these antibiotics didn’t dry up the fluids either–they just got rid of the infection in the fluids.

After breaking down with feelings of desperation and despair because nothing that I was doing was helping, my childhood friend Valerie put some fire under my ass and referred me to Dr. Andrea Robbins. She’s a chiropractor and more importantly, a Doctor of Naturopathy. Valerie raved about her and told me that I HAD to take her to see Andrea. I was hesitant because the initial consult was more than I could afford but Val told me to just be upfront with what I could afford.


I’m so glad for the push. After seeing Andrea 3 times and doing what she told me to do with her, ABC’s ear infection was finally gone and I couldn’t be happier.

So what did she do? What does a Doctor of Naturopathy do? How does a chiropractor help with ear infections?

What I learned about ear infections is that they are caused when babies have an overproduction of mucous that they can’t drain from their sinus’. The draining that’s supposed to occur with the Eustachian tubes doesn’t happen. Sometimes there isn’t space for them to drain properly or sometimes their little faces haven’t grown enough to put the tubes in their proper place. When it’s structural like this, doctors often recommend tubes. This was our next step.

As a chiropractor, Andrea was able to “adjust” abc so that the drainage could occur. With her ears draining, the infection left. As a Doctor of Naturopathy, Andrea used non-invasive techniques to find out if she had any allergies to be aware of that could possibly be causing some of the overproduction in mucous. We found out she’s allergic to penicillin and eggs. She was also able to give us a recommendation for homeopathy tablets to give her. We’re giving her Kali bichromicum that helps with her mucous production. She also encouraged me to continue using the essential oils on her.

The combination of all this has eliminated the seemingly never ending ear infection.

I’m so incredibly happy!!!!

If you’re in the Atlanta area and want Dr. Andrea Robbins’ information, shoot me a message at