Please welcome Joy Billings to TCM! You guys know I’m a huge fan of organization and I invited her to share some tips on how to use Labeley to make back to school a breeze!

The beginning of school is not such a popular time for kids. Though a lot of children love school, it’s a bit hard getting back to school routine after the freedom of summer vacation and playing all day long. But even more than kids, it’s the parents who would rather skip this part of the year altogether. Not only does back to school mean digging deeper into the family pocket for school supplies, it also comes with organizational stress, because lots of things need to be taken care of before a child starts or goes back to school.

In these situations, parents welcome all the help they can get. Since we live in the digital time, it’s not uncommon that the most beneficial tips and help come from the Internet. And one such “aid” or helpful tool that you can find on the Internet is Labeley, a free kids labels maker, that lets users create unique and visually appealing stickers for all kinds of back-to-school situations. Though it initially might seem that an app can’t really be of that much help, just continue reading.

Why Labels Are Important in Getting Kids Ready for School

Though they seem like a minor thing, stickers applied to school books, notebooks, backpacks, sports uniforms, sports shoes, lunch boxes and mugs can really help prevent all kinds of problems once the school starts.

Back to school is hectic enough for both parents and children. Durable and easy-to-use labels can add an air of ease to your life! And they're cute!

1) By labeling the notebooks with your kid’s name and appropriate titles of the subjects that the notebooks are for, you’ll cut down on your or your child’s time every time books and notebooks need to be placed in the backpack for the next day.

2) It’s not such a rare occurrence that children come home from school with someone else’s belongings. For example, they come back with someone else’s sports shoes or pencil case or book. Labels with your child’s name can prevent this from happening.

3) If your child is allergic to peanuts, milk or any other ingredient, it’s wise to place that information on a label and apply it to your kid’s lunchbox, mug or even clothes. That way teachers and other kids will be warned about potential threats of giving the wrong food to your child.

Back to school is hectic enough for both parents and children. Durable and easy-to-use labels can add an air of ease to your life! And they're cute!

Need More Help with Organization? Stickers Can Help!

The previous examples showed just some of the issues that can be avoided with labels. But stickers can also be helpful in the days that precede the first week of school. That is precisely when you’ll need help the most. You’ll want to do stuff in advance, prepare your children’s clothes for the first few weeks, maybe even cook a few meals for the freezer, so that your children will have cooked meals on those hectic first days, in case you have too much work.

Once you wash and iron the clothes, you can put them in separate bins and label the bins by category (underwear, shirts, pants, sports uniform, socks, etc.). Similarly, when you have extra time, you can cook more food and then place it in smaller containers, labeling each container with information what’s inside, or maybe label it by days: “September 1 lunch”, “September 2 lunch”, etc.

Finally, your kids will need to clear away toys and objects that they won’t be using so much after the school starts. Let them create their own labels for toy bins, so that they can easily find what they’re looking for when they need to. If you have more than one child, it’s definitely a good idea to label toys by ownership, so there wouldn’t be any fights over which toy is whose.

Back to school is hectic enough for both parents and children. Durable and easy-to-use labels can add an air of ease to your life! And they're cute!

How to Use Labeley to Create Unique Stickers

Using Labeley is really easy, and you can make creating labels a family activity. Just go to, click on the Start Designing button, and then select the Kids category.

1) A selection of shapes will appear on the right. Choose the one you like.
2) Then click on the Border, Background and Graphic and again choose your preferred design elements.

Back to school is hectic enough for both parents and children. Durable and easy-to-use labels can add an air of ease to your life! And they're cute!
3) Go to Text, click on Create Text, and then play with text and font options to get just the right information on your label.
4) If you want to completely personalize your label and make it unique, click on the Upload option and upload any photo you want from your computer. It can be your child’s photo, an image of his or her favorite animal, celebrity, sports team, etc.

When you’re happy with your creation, click on the Save Label to save it in Labeley account that you can create, or you can simply save the screenshot of your label as a PNG image on your computer, and then print it on your home printer (on an appropriate, self-adhesive material).

Have fun using Labeley with your kids, and hopefully it will help you avoid all sorts of mix-ups at school once the new school year begins.