Don’t judge me based upon this title—just wait till you get to the end of the post.

I’m no Beyonce stan. I’m not a member of the “Bey-hive”. I do love her music and I think she’s absolutely beautiful and I do covet her thighs. I mean, have you seen some of the moves she does in 278378-inch stilettos? Yes.Ma’am. I’m 100% here for that strength she has.

After her most recent album, Bey was under fire. She was sharing her sexy secrets with the world. No one cares about Victoria’s Secrets when Bey was sharing her secrets of “surf-boarding”, love of “watermelon”, and what happens behind that partition. People weren’t expecting this raw and uninhibited side of Bey where she held nothing back. I loved it. And this most recent album has made me a better wife.

Beyonce Is a Mom Too—But She’s Still Sexy

As a mom of 2, finding my sexy to bring back Timberlake style was difficult to say the least. I’m soft and squishy in the places that I want to be svelt. This actually works for motherhood. I’m huggable and snuggly for my girls. But I’m more than a mother—I’m a wife. And as much as I love my role as mother, I love my role as wife even more—with all that’s included. There’s nothing sexier than a woman who is secure with herself. Granted, I’m not 100% there yet, but when I turn on this most recent album, it’s hard not to feel sexy and exude that.

Her Music Is Inappropriate For My Girls

Why does this make me a better wife right? Some things should be just for us. Granted, D doesn’t love Bey the way I do, but there’ve been some performances done to certain songs that he remembers when the song comes on. It’s nice to be able to share the suggestive glances, sly smiles, and little giggles for things that are JUST for us. Marriages need that. It keeps things spicy and everyone likes spicy!

It Provides Balance in My Day to Day Thinking

I normally listen to music throughout the day. I like a variety of genres and artists. My day is filled with thoughts of meal plans, grocery lists, blog post ideas, activities to do with the kids, play dates to plan, how to keep my house/car/etc clean, exercise ideas—you get the idea. When I turn on my Beyonce station on, for those moments my thoughts are on nothing but him and “our” time. Because she has everything from “Halo” to “Partition”, my thoughts vary from the lovey dovey feelings to nasty thoughts—also very necessary. Some people have a KitKat to take their break, I have “Drunk in Love”.

I love being a wife. Honestly speaking, having a baby makes it hard to be present in all aspects of the role. Any little help that I can get is certainly welcome and Bey’s music gives me that little bit of sass that reminds of me of the sexy woman that I already am-fluff included.