This is a sponsored posting on behalf of Ridgecrest Herbals. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
When I was a kid, I planned my life as a mom in the same way that girls planned their weddings. I could not wait to become a mom! Three. That’s how many kids I knew I wanted to have and things were going to be perfect. Now I have three and frankly, things are rather overwhelming sometimes. Especially now.
All three kids have very different personalities, adjust to life differently and now that BC isn’t a baby, managing the 3 of them can be really hard. BC just hit his terrible twos and there have been a lot of days that were spent with me trying not to cry as I negotiated putting on shoes, jackets, underwear as I tried to get out of the house on time.
The Most Overwhelming Parts of Motherhood
Aside from, you know, everything…
All Of The Personalities
Having one child doesn’t prepare you for more. At all. All three of my kids have very different, rambunctious and distinct personalities. Their love languages are different. The way that they are motivated is different. How they process their emotions is very different. The only thing that is the same is that they are all big talkers.
Navigating 3 different personalities is really hard. And it only gets harder as they get older with the introduction of hormones and outside influences.
Social Media
Social media is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it has the ability to unite people. You can discover groups and support that would otherwise not be available to you. I’ve personally created friendships that are unbreakable.
But the flip side is that everyone is sharing their highlight reels which can be hard to keep in perspective when you’re struggling. I remember when Mini was 2 and I was single and trying to figure out how to pay bills, juggle working 6 days a week and paying attention to her. Someone posted about how their 2 year old was reading on a kindergarten level and we had barely survived the day. I know comparison is the thief of joy and social media can be Swiper.
Our Own Shortcomings
We become moms and we do it with all of the issues that we had prior to pregnancy. When we have our babies, our struggles that we had before motherhood don’t magically go away. In fact, it seems like they’re exacerbated. Between the disruption in our hormones, having to adjust to the bulk of changes and sleepless nights, sometimes it feels like we never get things right.
And then there’s accessibility to proper care. Not all of us can afford therapy to help us navigate spaces we need to heal or grow from. And when we can’t perform that way that we think we should, guilt sets in for many of us.

Dealing With The Overwhelm
One of these things can be really hard to handle but when you’re facing all three and then some? It can get tricky. When I was homeschooling the kids, I felt awful. I was out of balance and oftentimes miserable because I didn’t have the tools I needed to succeed. This made me feel like I was failing them as a teacher, mother, friend and some days I would spiral. Other days, I just couldn’t quite make it out of the bed. And some days, I would dominate the day. But during this time, I picked up some key things that helped.

Natural Ways To Reduce Overwhelm & Anxiety
Focus on the things you can control: One of the things that I do is make lists when I feel anxious and overwhelmed. I will make a list of at least 10 things I need to do and then I work my list. Seeing the X’s on my to-do list gives me a sense of control over things.
Get moving: This is literally easier said than done because sometimes you feel more catatonic than energetic. But moving is good. It helps you generate new thoughts, gets your good feeling endorphins going.
Take your probiotics: I swear, this is related! A healthy gut has been related to an improved mental state.
Take a supplement: Taking medication is ok. But if you aren’t into medicines, taking a supplement is a really great option as well. I keep Anxiety Free™ on hand for the moments that are hard for me to bring it back to my control.
Seek help: Therapy is bae. There used to be a stigma surrounding mental health and going to a therapist but now that’s changing. Getting help is more than ok.
Ridgecrest Herbals Anxiety Free™
I haven’t kept it a secret at all that this is one of my favorite supplements to take. The reason why I love it so much is because it works. When I finally made the time to go to the doctor, I had a full out anxiety attack with uncontrollable tears as I tried to get BC out of the door. I took two of them and within minutes, my breathing was controlled, tears had stopped and I was ok.
From Ridgecrest Herbals website:
RidgeCrest Herbals’ award-winning Anxiety Free™ is all about helping you find your chill. Somewhere between The Dude and King Joffrey is where most people hope to be, but sometimes the stress of life pushes us a little closer to Joffrey than we would like. Exposure to prolonged levels of stress can throw your body out of whack, whether the stress comes from an overpacked schedule or accidentally slipping into a parallel universe every Tuesday. Anxiety Free™ combines vitamins, amino acids, and calming Ayurvedic herbs to help support the body’s natural ability to create feelings of inner peace, deep calm, and overall zeniness – all while helping you manage those feelings of being overwhelmed.
Ready to give it a try?
Use coupon code AARONICABCOLE25 gets you 25% off!