When you have a baby, it seems like whipping out the economy size of Purel is the way to go. I’ve been to many homes where there are literally gallons of the stuff just sitting out there waiting to dry your hands, and yes, even germs, out. But here’s the truth about alcohol-based hand sanitizers: they’re terrible for your health and the environment.
Why Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers Are The Worst
We know that drinking too much alcohol can lead to the cirrhosis of the liver. So what makes us think that slathering alcohol on other parts of our bodies is good for us? Newsflash: it isn’t. Do these hand sanitizers work? Absolutely. But at what cost? The cost of the health of your skin.
Did you know that using alcohol on your skin often will make your skin thinner and dryer making it more susceptible to germs and infections?
Amazing how the very product that you think will prevent infections can actually lead towards them. But can we also talk about how constantly disinfecting ourselves with something as strong as alcohol leads to the development of superbugs? Scary, right?
OK Aaronica, we’re sufficiently scared. So what do we do?
So glad you asked *wink wink*.
Keeping hands clean on the go is super important–especially during cold & flu season. Instead of using something as harmful as these alcohol-based hand sanitizers, try one of these options here.

4 Alternatives To Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers
Babyganics Foaming Hand Sanitizer
After I had abc, I got a ton of this. I had this all over our house and in every diaper bag.
SafeHands Alcohol-Free Hand Sanitizer
The clean linen scent smells amazing. You can grab it here: SafeHands.

CopperTouch Sani Disk
This is THE coolest thing in the world. Did you know copper was a germ killer? Just rub this disk in your hands for 60 seconds and boom, germs gone. AND it lasts a lifetime.

Purell Alcohol-Free Hand Sanitizer
I was surprised that they came out with an alcohol-free version but also really happy because that means itās more accessible to others. This here can be found at Walmart and other major retailers!

OK, so now that you have some alternatives, go forth and keep your hands clean without damaging your body or the environment.
Did you know that you can boost your immune system naturally and easily to help prevent cold, flu, and coronavirus? Check out 5 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Immune System.