This is a sponsored post with good2grow. All opinions are my own. For more details on what this means, please see the PR & Disclosure page.
Now that we’re taking a break from camp, we’re basically poolside daily. This is a habit that I picked up from my mom who is now living her best life alternating between the pool and beach. One summer I realized that I wasn’t as prepared as some of the moms out there so I made it my business to make sure that I was prepared going forward with essentials every mom’s pool bag must-have. So what are those things, right?
It’s not everything and the kitchen sink–I can assure you of that. I’m not one of those moms who wants to carry all the things. I just want the essentials, the basics, the must-haves. Having 3 kids that have a 7 year age range, I need to make sure that everyone’s needs are met–mine included. Now the one thing you won’t find in my bag is pool floaties for my kids.
Say what!?!
I know. I’m that mom that doesn’t believe in teaching their kids to swim with floatation devices. I used to be a lifeguard and swim instructor and our methods were not to use floaties with the kids. I’ve taught hundreds of kids this way–mine included.
Ok, so what IS in this bag, right?

5 Essentials Every Mom’s Pool Bag Must-Have
Sun Protection
This is a given, yes, I know. But for some, it’s not. You wouldn’t be able to guess how often I’m asked if black people have to wear sunscreen. Spoiler alert: The ozone layer is not as protective as it once was and EVERYONE needs sunscreen. I carry both sunscreen and an after sun spray that includes aloe to make sure our skin is protected. Hats are also a great option as well.
Pool Toys
Nothing too big but entertaining enough that if there are no kids in the pool at the time my kids will be occupied. We love the rings that you can find at the bottom of the pool.
First Aid Kit
I keep a very small one with me. Yes, the pool will normally have one but I would rather the lifeguards keep their eyes on the pool and kids while I bandage my clumsy littles.
You guys already know that my kids are the Executive Board of #TeamEat. They do not play about their food and hangry is a serious disease that runs rampant when these children’s bellies empty. You would think they’ve never eaten before.
good2grow Fortified Waters
I started buying good2grow drinks when it was just Mini and I. I loved that it had a cool, leak-proof top for toddlers and she loved drinking anything out of it. With the summer heat, it’s crucial that they stay hydrated. While most kids love juice, the sugar plus heat is not a match made in hydration heaven. The good2grow Fortified Waters only has 3 grams of sugar–none of which have been added.

Because I’m not the selfish type (I love you guys!) I want you to have the opportunity to try the good2grow Fortified Water too! I want you to fall in love the same way my kids and I did! The giveaway will be open for one week and you’ll have the opportunity to win a prize pack of goodies from good2grow!
good2grow Prize Pack GiveawaySo what are some more essentials every mom’s pool bag must-have?