This post is part of a brand ambassadorship with RidgeCrest Herbals. All thoughts, opinions and reviews are my own.
If you follow me on social media (which you should) then you know I talk about my love affair with RidgeCrest Herbals monthly. In 2018, they sent me a 12 Days of Christmas gift set that included more of their products for me to love on along with personalized gifts that told me that I mattered to them. But now I want to share how I met them and why RidgeCrest Herbals is a brand that I stand behind, take daily, and give to my family.
It’s a love story for the books!
How I Met RidgeCrest Herbals
In 2018, I was super honored to be one of the keynote speakers at ShiftCon as well as on another panel talking about ways to shop organic on a budget. This was my first time speaking to my peers about things that legit mattered to our industry. BC was only 5 months old so he was preparing for his first long flight with me as well. And then we both got sick. Like I had a fever, congestion, and just overall awful. BC was congested and his eczema was flaring up. Instead of cancelling, we got on the flight and made it to Orange County, CA for our conference–yes our because he was the face of ShiftCon that year.
ShiftCon is basically family for me. I met the founder Leah in 2016–when I got pregnant with BC at that year’s conference. My friends work and attend the event so I knew that we would both be in great hands. I walked into the Expo Hall after getting settled and began chatting with Nichole and Will from RidgeCrest Herbals. I shared with them that I was feeling less than best and asked what they had for my symptoms.
Nichole gave me the SinusClear and told me to double up on the JustThrive probiotic and I would be fine by the time I needed to speak the next day. Friends. I took the SinusClear and within 10 minutes I could breathe. Because BC was still completely breastfed at this point, he was feeling the effects too.
By the next day, I was feeling about 80% better with the consistent taking of the SinusClear and the JustThrive probiotic. I spoke easily, hydrated well, and both of us were 100% by day 3 of the conference–when I was on the keynote panel.

RidgeCrest Herbals Is More Than Just Solid Products
Over the next couple of months, I’ll be introducing you all to each of the products that have made a solid impact on our entire lives but here’s the thing: RidgeCrest Herbals is more than “just” their products. This company is comprised of people that legit care about health and their impact on it. I’ve met more than just 2 of the employees–including the CEO. The culture there is built upon a foundation of genuine care, transparency, and commitment to natural solutions that work.
Annual Almanac
Every year, RidgeCrest Herbals releases an almanac that contains recipes, predictions and more that allows you to more insight into the company and who is working there. It also gives you more insight into the products and the best times to take them. You can grab your own here.
They send out the best newsletters which are also housed on their website. Included in these are industry news, best practices, events and more. Most of the employees write in the newsletters which gives them the opportunity to share their expertise in their voices. I definitely recommend signing up to receive these.
I’ve never done an introduction to a brand like this before but when I think of RidgeCrest Herbals and how their products have impacted my family over the past year-plus, I get warm and happy. This is a feeling that I want you all to have too as I share more about them and how you can include their products in your lives as well.
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