This is a sponsored post from MomeezChoice. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

Confession: This is the busiest time of the year that I’ve yet to experience with my children. Mini is preparing for her first Nutcracker performance AND robotics competition all happening the same weekend. Abc is, well, a four-year-old. And BC is an inquisitive 1-year-old who is trying to get into all the things. We’ve been experiencing late nights, full days, and lots of running around. Oh, did I mention that my husband happened to get called out of town for work giving me a week’s notice to figure out how to manage all this plus work and keeping kids healthy?

Yeah. Fun times. 

On Monday Mini came to me sharing that her throat was hurting. She’s super susceptible to strep throat. It’s almost like they have this arrangement that every other year they would hang out for an extended period of time. Last year wasn’t their year to kick it which means… I checked her throat for the familiar lumps and redness but we were in the clear so far. This was all the reminder I needed to make sure that we were doing a better job keeping kids healthy while we’re on-the-go.

Here are some of the tips and tricks that have previously worked for us:

The Crunchy Mommy’s Guide To Keeping Kids Healthy On-The-Go

1. Begin boosting the immune system at any time.

We’re huge fans of elderberry syrup. I make my own using a similar recipe to that of my friend Ashley from Mommyweek but I add a couple more ingredients (like echinacea). While I love making my own, BC is too unpredictable to take the syrup so he gets the Sambucal Gummies. I get no pushback with him taking these! Another great immune system booster is Vitamin C. This is the most commonly known one. I still have vivid memories of eating the tablets as a kid! Some other things that are really great are cod-liver oil, rubbing babes down or diffusing Thieve essential oils, and colloidal silver.

2. Wash your hands often.

Don’t overuse alcohol-based hand sanitizers–this is not good! Alcohol actually makes your skin more susceptible to germs. The best thing to do is have wipes to clean your hands and your little hands or to use a natural, eco-friendly hand sanitizer. One of my favorite brands is Mrs. Meyers hand sanitizer spray. I basically stan for this entire cleaning brand though. Some others to consider that are portable are BabyGanics and

3. Make remedies delicious.

There’s literally nothing worse than your child telling you while you’re out that their stomachs hurt or their throats hurt. There are only so many things that you can do while you’re out–no one is trying to say a prayer over the germs in the public restroom while you try and get your child to poop (which is a mom’s answer to everything). Lolleez®is our go-to remedy whether we’re home or out. I always have one who’s tummy magically hurts and ’tis the season for sore throats. In my purse, I have a handful of both the remedies for tummy trouble and throats. My kids think they’re getting a treat meanwhile it’s really one for me. Lolleez®was created by a mom so she gets this #momlife.

4. Make them portable.

I know that people joke about how mom’s bags have everything but the kitchen sink–and they do. But I’m not trying to tote around more than what can fit into one of my cute Ipsy bags. Which is why I love essential oils. They’re super small and easy to pack. One of the oils I LOVE is by Olbas because it has everything for this cold and flu season. I also love their inhaler to break up nasal congestion.

The Mom Difference With Momeez Choice™

For moms, by a mom. This is why this is a remedy that we love. The creator of Momeez Choice saw a need in the market for moms that wanted something that was organic, healthy and easy to administer and she created it. I’m so here for this.

From their site:

At Momeez Choice™ , we understand how important it is to have safe, reliable ways to soothe your little one’s sick day.  That’s why we’ve created 2 great USDA certified organic remedies that are fun, effective and delicious.

And Mini agrees with this sentiment wholeheartedly. I gave her the throat soothing one and she told me that she felt the difference as she ate it.

Your turn: What remedies are packed in your bag?

Click here for where to find Lolleez®.