It really feels like the year has just started but alas, here we are at the gift-giving season! I really wanted to do like a thousand and one gift guides but I settled on one that was really family focused that have some additional categories for the different people in your lives. So let’s get started with the 2018 Holiday Gift Guide!!!

I’m really excited about these items. I did a lot have some and wanted to find some things that would really foster the family connection. So often we get caught up in really nurturing ourselves and others individually(which I agree with too) but one of the focuses that I have this year is get started sure my home is really happy and connecting with these people that I love most in the world.

2018 Holiday Gift Guide

For the Family

Our family really loves playing games together so there are fun family games highlighted for all ages–minus the babies. 

The holiday season is officially here. Be sure to get your loved ones something amazing with the help of the 2018 Holiday Gift Guide!

For the Kids

I think we all see the commercials for the typical gifts. This year I wanted to highlight some of the non-standard gifts that kids will love as well. 

The holiday season is officially here. Be sure to get your loved ones something amazing with the help of the 2018 Holiday Gift Guide!

For the Ladies

I don’t know about you guys, but I could use some more pampering in my life and that’s just what these gifts are geared towards. Treat yourself–or have someone else treat you. 

The holiday season is officially here. Be sure to get your loved ones something amazing with the help of the 2018 Holiday Gift Guide!

For the Men

Men are so hard to buy for in my opinion. I’ve already given my husband the mini Playstation that dropped but he pointed out these as things he’d also like to receive so go forth and give these gifts!

For the Book Lovers

There were so many great books that have dropped this season. Seriously. From Rachel Hollis’ books to Michelle Obama’s, there have been so many gems!

The holiday season is officially here. Be sure to get your loved ones something amazing with the help of the 2018 Holiday Gift Guide!

For the Entrepreneur

Listen, we need gifts geared towards helping us accomplish our dreams and goals too. Invest in us, please!

Be sure to flip through the guide and click on any items of interest to buy for your own loved ones!

So what’s on your gift wish list this year?

The holiday season is officially here. Be sure to get your loved ones something amazing with the help of the 2018 Holiday Gift Guide!