Being diagnosed as being pre-diabetic last year was the wake-up call I needed to take my own self-care seriously. It so easy to say “Oh I need to practice self-care” and not really know what this means for you. Taking the time to really take care of myself was what I needed to heal my pre-diabetes in a natural way.
But will this work for everyone?
I don’t know. I’m not a healthcare professional. I know my body and you have to know yours. If you’re concerned with your health, seek out a healthcare professional discuss next steps for you.
How I Healed My Pre-Diabetes Naturally
After getting over the shock that came with finding out that I was pre-diabetic, I took a deep breath. And by deep breath I mean that I took my homecoming weekend to say farewell to unhealthy living. After saying goodbye to some of the habits that I had, I got a plan together.
I Told Some Key People
I was embarrassed at first. Why? Because I live a life that’s dedicated to health and wellness and now I was being diagnosed with something that is controllable. And then I always talk about self-care when clearly I wasn’t practicing what I was preaching.
But I told some of my heart friends–you know the ones that you can trust with your truths and they love you through it figuring out how to keep you alive because they don’t want to live without you. The more I told people, the less shame and guilt I felt. And then I had people who held me accountable to myself.
I Changed My Lifestyle
I wasn’t a reckless eater but I also wasn’t eating in a way that fueled my body. Here’s the thing: we live in a time that is FINALLY accepting and loving plus-sized bodies and this is beautiful. I’ve technically been plus-size for most of my life. This past year is the first time that I didn’t feel pressured to diet and lose weight–despite my wanting to. But I didn’t feel like I had to in order to be seen as beautiful or worthy and that’s something different.
Last year I joined Noom. It’s marketed towards millennials and while I didn’t lose weight when I was using it, I gained a healthier perspective. I had an unhealthy relationship with food and exercise. I felt like food was a reward and that exercise was punishment. Using Noom helped me to change that.
When you’re body struggles with insulin-resistance, there are a couple things that contribute to this:
- High stress
- Too much sugar
- Processed carbs
- Genetics
- Unknown factors
Given that I’m battling against genetics and high stress as some pretty big issues, I had to focus on these and my diet.
I Focused On Controlling My Controllables
Reducing Stress Levels – Being completely honest, for the past couple years my body has been in a consistent fight or flight mode. Homeschooling, growing a business, moves, and just constant transitions have left me super stressed. And that’s normal but I internalize EVERYTHING. While I may be calm and collected on the outside, inside I’m in full freak out mode. In order for me to reduce my stress levels, I have to be intentional. What that looks like for me is being honest about how I feel, not overcommitting myself, and legit practicing what I preach with self-care.
Changing My Eating Habits – Sure, I’m not a crazy eater but as I said, I wasn’t fueling my body. Since I was showing signs of insulin resistance, I have removed carbs and sugars from my diet. I’ve embraced a ketogenic lifestyle because, well, it’s easy and it works. I began eating keto-style on November 1 and since then, my brain fog is gone and my energy levels have skyrocketed. I would be lying if I said I was strict–especially during the holidays. But because of what I learned while reading articles and receiving coaching on Noom, I recognize that this is a whole lifestyle change–not a temporary diet–so it’s not meant to be perfect.
Changing My Mindset – I’m an extremist in recovery. It’s hard for me to accept that I don’t have to be either perfect or not do it all and that taking changes day by day is ok. Part of this mindset change is in being intentional about showing up for myself in ways that I do for others and being more mindful. I listen to my body about how I feel, my energy levels, and more and adjust things accordingly. If I’m craving chocolate, I do a mental and emotional check to see if I’m feeling stressed or something else that might trigger the craving. And if I eat something that is not aligned with my lifestyle and my goals, I don’t chastise myself the way I used to before.
Does Keto Heal Pre-Diabetes?
This isn’t a cut and dry answer. My experience has been yes. It depends on your health and if you have questions, a doctor should weigh-in. Keto is being considered a fad diet for the past couple years and I actively hated it in the beginning. I thought it wasn’t a sustainable way of living and that eating that much bacon couldn’t be possible. But then I made the keto lifestyle work for me. While I do eat bacon, I also eat lots of healthy fats like almonds, avocados, and more.
The main thing that keto has taught me is about sugar and carb contents. I didn’t realize just how much sugar I was consuming throughout the day. And more importantly, I was addicted to it. My first couple days on keto were awful. I hated everyone as my body detoxed from the processed sugars and carbs. After the first week or two, I was weaned from sugar and felt SO good. The way my body felt is what confirmed my decision to use keto and food to heal my pre-diabetes.
I’ll be sharing more about my journey in keeping my health, well, healthy so be sure to stay tuned. Have a question? Feel free to ask!