Teaching is hard. There are a lot of days when I am thankful that I am not a teacher. Basically it boils down to me not even being able to deal with my own two kids. So how could I deal with a class of 20+ kids?! What I do know is that teachers deserve an awesome gift for the end of the school year. What is better than beer? I know wine related gifts are super popular for teachers these days. However, let’s remember the male teachers who may shy away from the wine and those female teachers who love a good Blue Moon, Angry Orchard or even a Corona while they are floating around the pool.
Beer Poem for Your Teacher
The next time that you are at your favorite local beer distributor, or wherever they sell beer, pick up a gift card for your child(ren)’s teacher. Then go right home and print out this super cute poem to go with it!
Download here: Beer poem for teachers
Are you familiar with the beverages included in the poem? How cute is it?! It will surely bring a smile to any teachers face!
A Personalized Glass for Your Beer
Decorated wine glasses are all the rage, but you can do the same thing with beer glasses! I am all for shopping local so see if there is someone in your town that can do a personalized engraving for you. Or you can do a quick search on Etsy if you have time to order before school is out.
A Beer Map
Totally a great gift for a geography or even a U.S. history teacher! A beer map allows you place a bottle cap from each state’s beer in it. Great wall art and an even better conversation starter. My husband has one and it is fun to look for beers from different states to try so he can fill in that hole. The one that we have was from Zulily but they don’t always have them. Google around. I know you’ll easily find one!
Know Your School’s Rules
Just be careful about alcohol related gifts at school. I would hope all schools would frown, or even have it in their rules, that alcohol is not permitted on property. So don’t just take them a case of beer or a six pack of whatever. That is why gift cards are perfect! And don’t forget to print out the poem to go with the beer!
What is your go-to teacher gift? Does it relate to beer or alcohol or are you against this?